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Raise a glass to Rishi Sunak

Is the Carlton Club, the Conservative citadel in St James’s, about to offer Sunak free membership?

Photo: PA

Time to raise a toast to Rishi Sunak at the Carlton Club, the Conservative citadel in St James’s, where Chris Pincher, when he was deputy chief whip, was alleged to have sexually assaulted two men last year.

The smallprint in the club’s latest accounts show that it bagged £843,000 over the past two years from Sunak’s Covid support packages. There was a £286,000 government grant claimed as part of the “coronavirus job retention scheme”, and a further £44,000 as a “national lockdown grant.”

In 2020, the club claimed £513,000 in furlough payments. A year on from posting a £206,000 operating deficit, the club now boasts £226,000 profit in its latest figures for 2021.

Time maybe for the club’s ruling board to consider giving free membership to Sunak. They’ve already granted it to Liam Fox, Michael Gove, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Gavin Williamson and Theresa May.

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See inside the Adieu edition

Ben Elliot. Photo: David M Benett/Getty

Why Ben Elliot quit

His resignation had little to do with his private company's links to Russian business and more to do with the fact that his friend Boris Johnson was no longer party leader

Photo: House of Commons/PA Archive/PA Images

Ministers and their advisers receive a reminder

Lord Pickles as chair of the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments, has reminded them of their obligations to disclose all commercial ventures they are invested in