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The Two Matts

Yes, Team Trump is incompetent. And yes, they LOATHE Europe

The Two Matts podcast on the extraordinary leak of war messages in Washington - and what it reveals about JD Vance

The New European's Two Matts podcast. Image: Podmasters

Unprecedented scenes from Washington as it becomes apparent the US government leadership has been wargaming on the equivalent of WhatsApp… and accidentally looped in a top journalist. The leaked security information – including specific details of American military missions – is astonishing enough. But what the messages also betray is the sheer loathing of Europe held by JD Vance and others in the administration. The Matts pick their jaws off the floor and discuss.

Also – will Rachel Reeves’ “mission-led” welfare cuts cut any ice with voters? And farewell George Foreman – the comeback king of American life. Enjoy!

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