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The New European

What Dominic Cummings did next… and what Keir Starmer should do next

In this week's episode, host Steve Anglesey is joined by writer and self-proclaimed bon viveur Zoe Williams who discusses the concerning rise of Priti Patel, and the even more troubling future of the new right.

The New European Podcast

In this week’s episode, host Steve Anglesey is joined by writer and self-proclaimed bon viveur Zoe Williams who discusses the concerning rise of Priti Patel, and the even more troubling future of the new right. Political strategist and former political secretary to Tony Blair and communications director to Julia Gillard John McTernan delves into the traits of Dominic Cummings the disruptor and explains how Keir Starmer can win the next election by taking certain issues off the table. Plus, Lord Frost, Anne Widdecombe and Rishi Sunak enter the Hall of Shame.

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