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Nic Aubury’s 4-line poem: All You Need Is…

Image: TNE

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See inside the Trump: Vote For Me or They'll Eat Your Dog edition

A senior citizen passes a Labour 2024 election campaign shop in Crewe. Around 10 million pensioners will lose the £200-£300 winter fuel allowance this year. Photo: Christopher Furlong/Getty

Starmer’s missed opportunity

Labour could have made a much better argument over the scrapping of the winter fuel allowance. But it didn’t. Big mistake

A Palestinian woman and a baby sit on a mattress among the rubble of their family home in Deir al Balah, Gaza, which was destroyed by Israeli attacks in November 2023. Photo: Ali Jadallah/Anadolu/Getty

Can Gaza ever be rebuilt?

With around 80,000 buildings destroyed and many bodies still under rubble, the reconstruction of the Strip will take decades