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United Kingdom

Prime minister Boris Johnson listens to Labour leader Keir Starmer during Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons, London - Credit: PA

United Kingdom

PMQs: Keir Starmer accuses Boris Johnson of ‘sleaze, cronyism and scandal’ over Downing Street refurb

Sir Keir Starmer has accused Boris Johnson of “sleaze, cronyism and scandal” after the Electoral Commission launched an investigation into the refurb of the prime minister’s Downing Street flat. Sir Keir used Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) to grill Johnson over the Commission’s announcement. “Who initially, and prime minister, initially is the key word here, who initially […]
Work and pension minister Therese Coffey said the public was not interested in 'some wallpaper or sofas' in Boris Johnson's flat - Credit: Sky News

United Kingdom

Minister downplays concerns surrounding PM’s flat refurb claiming public ‘aren’t interested in wallpaper or sofas’

A cabinet minister has downplayed concerns over the refurbishment of Boris Johnson’s official residency by Tory Party donors, declaring the public was not interested in “some wallpaper or sofas”. Work and pensions minister Therese Coffey also said “the right declarations will be made” in due course showing the prime minister is personally paying for the £200,000 refurbishment. Questions have […]