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Lie of the week: Nigel Farage on why he doesn’t hold in-person constituency surgeries

Image: TNE

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See inside the Wave goodbye edition

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen exchanges a handshake with Italy’s right wing prime minister Giorgia Meloni at this summer’s G7 leaders’ summit in Fasano, Italy. Photo: Alessandra Benedetti/Corbis/Getty

The EU is too soft on populists

EU institutions have got into the nasty habit of making concessions to populists who have spent their lives railing against Brussels

Renoir’s Road to Berneval, painted in 1880; three cyclists came into view just where the mussel-harvesters had walked.
All paintings: Barberini Museum; all photos: Christoph Irrgang

Rediscovering impressionist landscapes

Photographer Christoph Irrgang returns to the sites where masterpieces were painted to see how much they have changed