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Liberal Democrat Leader Jo Swinson canvassing door to door with activists during a visit to Sheffield, while on the General Election campaign trail. PA Photo. Picture date: Sunday December 8, 2019. See PA story POLITICS Election. Photo credit should read: Danny Lawson/PA Wire - Credit: PA


‘Don’t let Boris Johnson steal your future’ – Why Londoners should consider backing Lib Dems in knife-edge seats

SIOBHAN BENITA, Liberal Democrat spokesperson for London and the party’s candidate for mayor, encourages people to back the Lib Dems in the capital. Siobhan Benita, the Lib Dems’ spokesperson for London. Photograph: Lib Dems. – Credit: Archant It’s crunch time. After more than three years of persuading, petitioning and protesting, of parliamentary proceedings, prorogations and […]