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Isaac Levido has the Midas touch

Downing Street’s political strategist for the 2019 general election appears to make money out of anything he touches

Isaac Levido, Australian political strategist looks towards the camera. Photo: Leon Neal/Getty Images

While his old boss Sir Lynton Crosby hasn’t had mixed fortunes in the private sector – I reported last year on how an outfit he had co-founded called Outra was losing a fortune – Isaac Levido appears to have the Midas touch.

Levido, who replaced Crosby as Downing Street’s political strategist for the 2019 general election, has just racked up his first corporate million at Fleetwood Strategy, the PR outfit he helped to set up in 2020. It made £770,000 last year, plus £259,901 in its first year of trading.

Crosby has, meanwhile, seen an improving performance at CT Group Holdings, the UK parent firm for his various international PR interests. It returned a £3.6m pre-tax profit on revenue of £32.4m for the year ended June 30 2021. Still, its latest figures pre-date the unexpected departure from CT of Mark Fullbrook, one of its founding partners.

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See inside the Politicians and the Press edition

Photo: Gareth Cattermole/Getty. Montage: TNE

Is lobbying in David Cameron’s DNA?

Illumina and Complete Genomics offered similar deals for a generic sequencing project, but the former was awarded the contract. In 2017, Cameron joined as a consultant with an undisclosed salary

The Daily Mail's take on Brexit. Photo: Montage by The New European

There is a crisis in British journalism

Experts gathered at last weekend's Byline festival and expressed their frustrations