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Tom Baldwin

Keir Starmer: The grown-up

In a global storm, the PM’s gears seem to be clicking again. Now he must keep playing to his strengths – reason and relentlessness

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The agony of self-hating liberals

Just because Trump won and populism is surging doesn’t mean the Labour party should give up its election promises

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The super rich are different to you and me. They’re full of crap

If Labour raises taxes and the uber-wealthy begin to leave, will anybody care?

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Can Starmer get it done?

Will Keir Starmer lead the shift from chaotic Conservative turmoil into a new era of stability, or will it be more of the same?

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In search of Englishness

As Keir Starmer tries to redefine what it means to be English, Tom Baldwin and Marc Stears ask what really lies behind our patriotic political myths

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How resonance beat reason

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