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Tim Walker

Theatre Review: The P Word speaks to our times

Waleed Akhtar is a writer prepared to address issues head-on and with enormous clarity and courage

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Theatre Review: Antigone shows we are born to join in love, not hate

This production challenges politics, our values and the dystopia we are beginning to call normal with style and intelligence

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Theatre Review: The Snail House is self-indulgence at, aptly, a snail’s pace

It's a show filled with obvious and patronising themes. In trying to take on too much, it feels almost punitively long

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Theatre Review: Horse-Play is a show that simply drags on

This production misses the opportunity for laughs and instead its themes verge on patronising

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Theatre Review: Silence is a show with too much tell

This well-intentioned production, sadly, lacks any real drama

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Theatre Review: Treason is a contemporary take on an explosive plot

In normal circumstances this musical is the sort of thing that would have found a stage quickly enough and held on to it for months. These are not, however, normal circumstances

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Theatre Review: Gary Barlow requires a little patience

The Take That star is engaging, but a two hour 20 minute talk through his life story is quite the ask

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Theatre Review: This Wardrobe is malfunctioning

The best children’s shows manage to entertain both the children and their parents, but this production tries too obviously to get both on side and satisfies neither

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Theatre Review: This amusing Much Ado About Nothing more than lives up to its name

The National needs to be braver in its productions, but until then this is an amusing enough divertissement

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Theatre Review: Jack Absolute Flies Again is unrivalled and unfunny

Almost all big productions at the National seem to sell out sight unseen these days, but how long will this continue if they keep turning out big, unfunny flops like this?

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Tim Walker’s Edinburgh Fringe Review: Hamlet, Grace Campbell and more

In a difficult year for Edinburgh, Sir Ian provides an exhilarating spectacle - but there are joys to be found elsewhere in the city

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Theatre Review: This 101 Dalmatians is barking up the wrong tree

Kate Fleetwood plays a delectably wicked Cruella de Vil for all she’s worth, but this is otherwise a dog's dinner

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Theatre Review: Chasing Hares is a mediocre story acted extraordinarily

The story is improbable but star Scott Karim can make just about any character seem convincing

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Bloody Difficult Women receives a warm welcome in Edinburgh

Up in Scotland, my play about Gina Miller's court case against Theresa May's government over parliamentary sovereignty is causing quite the stir

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Theatre Review: Any joy went with this woeful recasting

Anything Goes was a lot of fun last summer but it now feels dutiful and robotic

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Theatre Review: The Seagull is a corker

This pared-down production is very much a star vehicle for the Game of Thrones actor Emilia Clarke

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Theatre Review: Invisible is a show you simply have to see

As the show's writer and sole performer, Nikhil Parmar deserves the highest praise for creating a show that's sad, funny and honest in equal measure

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Theatre Review: Mad House makes heavy weather of a gathering storm

There’s a good play to be written about what happens to us in advanced old age. Sadly, this production is not it

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Theatre Review: A hostile environment is brought to life in The Fellowship

Set in 2019, Roy Williams’ state-of-the-nation play tells the story of a country that’s gotten itself into a bit of a state

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Theatre Review: Gimmicks can’t hide the truth – this play is boring

This tale of anti-democracy activists is too clever for its own good

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Theatre Review: This rock opera sticks it to Teflon Tony

There is more anger, passion and insight to be had in just a few minutes of this show than any number of hours sitting through a James Graham political play

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Theatre Review: Jitney is a vehicle with no real sense of direction

None of the characters really break through sufficiently to hold August Wilson's production together and give it any real focus

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Theatre Review: A sequel 138 years in the making

This sequel to a Henrik Ibsen classic can get overcome with its sense of how clever and novel it is

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Theatre Review: Girl On An Altar is the theatrical equivalent of eating your greens

This new take on a Greek tragedy is slow, pretentious and mind-numbingly boring

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Theatre Review: The Glass Menagerie is perfect for hot summer nights

Hollywood star Amy Adams is the draw in this revival and she's content just to get on with some proper acting for a change

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Theatre Review: Grease is hopelessly devoted to mediocrity

The big numbers in this adaptation are all too familiar but they are listlessly performed and all the emphasis is on Peter Andre’s cameo turn

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Theatre Review: This My Fair Lady is far from loverly

Bartlett Sher’s production is totally unnecessary and maybe a form of sacrilege

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Theatre Review: This Murder on the Orient Express is running a reduced service

The cast is cut down, but it's no mean feat to even attempt to put this particular whodunnit on Chichester’s main stage

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Theatre Review: The Unfriend is all killer, no filler

Steven Moffat’s new play is a rather slight one-joke comedy - but a five-star one

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Theatre Review: The Father and the Assassin is a muddled tale

With this play about the man who murdered Gandhi, Anupama Chandrasekhar has bitten off more than she can chew

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Theatre Review: Kabul Goes Pop is admirably furious

Waleed Akhtar has produced an elegantly written, often very funny, piece that works precisely because it takes a moral position on Afghanistan

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Theatre Review: Middle is at best middling

If part two of David Eldridge's trilogy of plays about relationships is a state-of-the-nation play, then all it has to say is that the nation is in a bit of a state, which will hardly come as a surprise to anyone

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