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Tim Walker

Theatre Review: This is quirky, idiosyncratic, brave – and great fun

Rob Madge's moving story of their relationship with their father is a reminder of Kenneth Williams

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Theatre Review: This joke isn’t funny anymore

A comedy which seemed fresh and inventive many years ago now seems limp and hackneyed

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Theatre Review: Allegiance is greater than the sum of its parts

A musical inspired by George Takei's early life has a tremendous emotional charge

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Theatre Review: The Shawshank Redemption shows the power of friendship

No one knows more about touring than Bill Kenwright and his production of The Shawshank Redemption is a typically accomplished affair

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Theatre Review: Watch on the Rhine is a warning from history

This production of Lillian Hellman’s play once again makes the point that the Donmar Warehouse is a centre of theatrical excellence

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Theatre Review: Kerry Jackson is Carry On Class Warfare

This play seems to want to challenge stereotypes, but inadvertently and ridiculously reinforces them

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Theatre is going to need grace under pressure in 2023

It looks as if it’s going to be another challenging year for theatre, but there is certainly a lot to look forward to

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Theatre Review: Paradise Now! is too much of a good thing

There isn’t a member of the cast who isn’t firing on all cylinders but, at two-and-a-half-hours, this portrayal of telesales women feels much too long

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Theatre Review: This As You Like It is spirited and sexy

The play divides critics, but this production will convert any punters

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Theatre Review: Hex is less a magic spell, more of a curse

The National's Christmas folie de grandeur is simply unforgivable

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Theatre Review: Orlando is a gleeful probe into gender

This adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s novel is funny, seditious, intelligent, courageous and beautiful

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Theatre Review: I just went along for the Glory Ride

The writing in Glory Ride – A New Musical feels raw and so do the lyrics, but this show has a fascinating yarn to tell

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Theatre Review: This Othello just lacks humour

It is genuinely startling and shocking that this is the first Othello from a black director at a major venue

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Theatre Review: This Elf should be left on the shelf

No amount of effort can get over this dime-a-dozen children's show's innate tiredness

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Theatre Review: This Christmas Carol brings joy in new Dickensian times

The enormously popular production of A Christmas Carol at The Old Vic. Photo: Manuel Harlan

Over the years this enormously popular production has taken on a life of its own

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Theatre Review: Anything With A Pulse is a sign of things to come

This pared-down production is theatre at its most basic and minimalist

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Theatre Review: The Sex Party fails to rise to the occasion

This farce is a limp, boring and painfully unfunny exercise in folie de grandeur

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Theatre Review: There are reasons you shouldn’t repeat plays

Amy Trigg’s play about life with spina bifida is a tremendous piece of writing and acting, but repeats are for television

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Theatre Review: This From Here to Eternity felt like eternity

The fundamental problem with this musical is that it just doesn’t really have any memorable music

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Theatre Review: Tammy Faye is drowned out by egos

A show about shallow people really shouldn’t be so shallow itself. Sadly, this production falls into this trap

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Theatre Review: Mary has moments of drama, but no big revelations

The play's 90 minutes pass effortlessly enough, but ultimately one was left feeling it was much ado about nothing

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Theatre Review: Watching Elephant creates unforgettable memories

Any attempt to explain this play will not do it justice. Just go and see it. It is simply wonderful

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Theatre Review: Marvellous is a celebration of chutzpah

This production has gotten Soho Place off to a marvellously, pun intended, good start

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Theatre Review: My Neighbour Totoro is a low point for British theatre

This adaptation of a Japanese children’s fantasy suggests the RSC will do whatever is necessary to get its finances back in order after the pandemic

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Theatre Review: The Band’s Visit restores faith in humanity

This is an important play, beautifully acted and performed

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Theatre Review: You should see The Doctor now

Juliet Stevenson is on spellbinding form in the title role of this long-awaited West End transfer

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Theatre Review: Good’s intentions are right

It’s a pleasure to see David Tennant back on stage, even if it has turned out Nazi again

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Theatre Review: Blues for an Alabama Sky is all style and no surprise

Pearl Cleage’s homage to the steamy plays of Tennessee Williams seems awfully contrived

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Theatre Review: The Boy With Two Hearts should be required viewing for Suella Braverman

The home secretary would benefit from seeing this story of a family fleeing their native Afghanistan

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Theatre Review: Eureka Day’s cynical anti-PC satire offers no alternative

There’s a lot about determinedly right-on people that invites ridicule, but Jonathan Spector's play misses the mark

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Theatre Review: The Crucible is a reminder of when theatres had courage

At a time when British theatre is curiously apathetic, this sumptuous revival reminds us what it should be doing: rallying for decency

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Theatre Review: Handbagged has lost its shine

A hit almost a decade ago, this production now feels like a joke in very poor taste

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