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Tim Walker

Mandrake: Johnson beats a retreat on Rubles

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LORD HESELTINE: ‘I find Mrs May mystifying… she was against Brexit but launched herself into backing it’

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Stage Review: The Moderate Soprano

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This is theatrical grand larceny

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Mandrake: How the Daily Mail colluded with Hitler to ban Wimbledon star

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Hopes and fears for Britain and Afghanistan

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Review: Kiss of the Spider Woman

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MANDRAKE: May keeps Johnson out of her hair

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Stage Review: Brief Encounter

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Mandrake: Queen not amused by hungry Fox

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David Lammy: The Tories a dead party walking

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Stage Review: Macbeth

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MANDRAKE: Spotting Sarah’s circle

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Stage Review: The Best Man

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Mandrake: Home Office fights for EU workers

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Stage review: Frozen

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Mandrake: Munich is no fun for Fox without Werritty

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Stage Review: Girls and Boys

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Mandrake: How much money is Farage actually earning?

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Stage Review: Mad as Hell

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Mandrake: J’accuse! Newspaper bias at BBC

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Irons throws himself into the fire

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The year that will decide our future: How the law will hold the government to account

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Mandrake: Are Johnson, Gove and Mogg the new ‘dream team’?

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Mandrake: Cameron basks in same-sex marriage limelight

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Mandrake: Cameron savages the paper tigers

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The house journal of the Church of Brexit

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