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Tim Walker

MANDRAKE: BBC uninvites Gina Miller from commenting on no-deal Brexit papers

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MANDRAKE: Saudi coalition in bid to buy Daily Telegraph

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STAGE REVIEW: Look what’s growing in the park…

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Stage Review: The Importance of Being Earnest

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Patrick Stewart: ‘I find it difficult to know what Labour stands for’

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MANDRAKE: Rowan Atkinson insists on having the last word on burkas

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McKellen is a Lear for our times

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MANDRAKE: Danny Boyle set to direct Brexit The Movie

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A play that is so nearly perfect

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Stage Review: Shakespeare’s walk in woods, a review of As You Like It

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Stage Review: Imperium I and II

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Mandrake: The top secret Brexit department that made David Davis irrelevant

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Chuka Umunna: I’m angry Labour didn’t fight harder in EU Referendum

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ANNA SOUBRY: Boris Johnson and his pals can’t claim to be Conservatives

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MANDRAKE: Sir David Attenborough is told to button it on Brexit

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Aidan shines in comedy of terrors

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Stage Review: Ryecart Serves Up Prize Gammon

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Mandrake: Boris Becker backs wronged Wimbledon tennis ace

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Mandrake: Boris Johnson’s personal film factory is exposed

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Stage Review: It’s a full moon from Mr Bloom

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Mandrake: Daniel Hannan’s former colleague catches him out

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Dame Penelope is a late bloomer

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KEN CLARKE: I’d have sacked Boris Johnson from cabinet

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Stage Review: Surviving the hen night from Hell

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Mandrake: David Cameron vanishes as Brexit turns nasty

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A play with a message for our times

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Stage Review: An Ideal Husband

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Mandrake: Fancy a night with Nigel, anyone?

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Mandrake: Is John Humphrys in Paul Dacre’s pocket?

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Stage Review: Strictly Ballroom: The Musical

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Menzies Campbell: “I fear it will take a major convulsion to jolt politics back to normal”

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Stage review: The girl drawn into a web of terror

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