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Tim Walker

MANDRAKE: Mayday for taxpayers at Heathrow

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STAGE REVIEW: Summer and Smoke

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MANDRAKE: ‘Today is harming BBC’s reputation’

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MANDRAKE: David Davis is off on manoeuvres again

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Stage Review: Hadestown

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MANDRAKE: Major ‘lobbies’ Cameron to back People’s Vote

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STAGE REVIEW: A newspaper’s fighting spirit

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MANDRAKE: BBC chief no longer ‘hailing’ Green

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STAGE REVIEW: Tim Walker on A Guide for the Homesick

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Mandrake: Why is no one willing to debate Gina Miller?

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STAGE REVIEW: There ain’t nothing like a dame

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MANDRAKE: Patrick Kielty banned from the Today show

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MANDRAKE: Dave doesn’t regret leaving (White’s)

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Stage Review: The Lover/The Collection

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DOMINIC GRIEVE: ‘Boris is a shallow populist’

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MANDRAKE: ‘Boris Johnson must quit as journalist’

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MANDRAKE: Cable urges SNP to join bloc for People’s Vote

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Stage Review by Tim Walker: 42nd Street

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STAGE REVIEW: Rheon is a master of menace

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MANDRAKE: Remainers cry foul at Burnley match while Daily Mail readers get used to a new way of thinking

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STAGE REVIEW: Tim Walker praises the director of new play Holy Sh!t

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MANDRAKE: Tim Walker on the last orders for Farage and friends

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LAYLA MORAN: I don’t know how Tory MPs sleep at night

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STAGE REVIEW: Dance Nation – A window on modern America

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MANDRAKE: Gina Miller goes to Dover on a mission of hope

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STAGE REVIEW: Love’s Labour’s Lost

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MANDRAKE: Daily Mail editor turns hydro-electricity tycoon (with a bit of help from the EU)

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MANDRAKE: BBC uninvites Gina Miller from commenting on no-deal Brexit papers

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MANDRAKE: Saudi coalition in bid to buy Daily Telegraph

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STAGE REVIEW: Look what’s growing in the park…

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Stage Review: The Importance of Being Earnest

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