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Tim Walker

MANDRAKE: Gina Miller tempted to sign petition to silence her

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Stage Review: Grief is The Thing With Feathers

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Celebrating difference – Fiddler on the Roof at Playhouse, London

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MANDRAKE: Olivia delivers a firm NYET to Brexit

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STAGE REVIEW: Hail the big-headed alien

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MANDRAKE: Alan Sugar said Michael Gove should be in jail – instead he’s joining his club

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STAGE REVIEW: Making a mess of Moliere

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MANDRAKE: Gina Miller calls for people to turn out for Nigel Farage’s march

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STAGE REVIEW: Middle class angst is back in The Son

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Stage Review: Doing justice to Sondheim

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MANDRAKE: Tracking Nigel Farage’s private jet to Strasbourg

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Stage review: The Price

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MANDRAKE: Money keeps rolling in for Arlene’s mate

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Stage Review: Superhoe at the Royal Court, London

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MANDRAKE: David Davis pockets £150,000 since quitting as Brexit minister

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STAGE REVIEW: Tortured by a playwright

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MANDRAKE: Remainers are put on hold by the BBC

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STAGE REVIEW: How Bond dodged a bullet – Aspects of Love

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MANDRAKE: The BBC’s remainer register exposed

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STAGE REVIEW: A taxi ride to Thatcherism – Approaching Empty

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MANDRAKE: The money keeps rolling in for Jacob Rees-Mogg

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Stage Review: I’m Not Running

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STAGE REVIEW: Harold Pinter’s Party Time and Celebration

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MANDRAKE: TV stars fight for David Cameron’s confession

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MANDRAKE: The mystery of former Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre’s missing gong

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Stage Review: The Tell-Tale Heart

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Meet the anti-Brexit campaigner (literally) behind the news

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MANDRAKE: Money keeps rolling in for George Osborne

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Stage Review: A Scrooge to shake you

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Stage Review: True West at the Vaudeville Theatre, London

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MANDRAKE: Womad woes for Jacob Rees-Mogg

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STAGE REVIEW: Switzerland

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