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Tim Bradford

Are we in a fish war with France?

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Why is raw sewage going into our rivers and seas?

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Will there be Christmas shortages?

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Is Facebook damaging democracy?

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What is Lord Frost complaining about now?

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What would Keir Starmer’s revolution look like?

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How will school tests look if we return to imperial measurements?

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Are you happy to get the crown on your pint glass?

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Tim Bradford’s What’s Going On? Why do we need the new election bill?

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Tim Bradford’s What’s Going On? How is HS2 going?

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Tim Bradford’s What’s Going on? Has Joe Biden been a disappointment?

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Tim Bradford’s What’s Going on? Why has Donald Trump called for Joe Biden to resign?

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Tim Bradford’s What’s Going on? Why is the world burning?

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Tim Bradford’s What’s Going on? Which ministers would make good Olympians?

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