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Tim Bradford

Cartoon: Election, the politics board game

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Cartoon: Have you got election fever?

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Cartoon: Could Farage really be PM in five years?

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Cartoon: Election or Euro 24?

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Cartoon: Why are former Trump critics now backing him?

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Cartoon: Carry on Sunak?

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Cartoon: Why do the Tories hate universities so much?

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Cartoon: What does Natalie Elphicke bring to the table?

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Cartoon: Will Starmer bring the ‘boring’ back to politics?

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Cartoon: What’s the point of Ofcom?

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Cartoon: What’s the big deal about freedom of movement for young people

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Cartoon: The greatest political scandals in history

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Cartoon: Why does Sunak laugh so much?

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Cartoon: Political Springwatch

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Cartoon: Last throw of the dice

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Cartoon: Peanut Brain on the campaign trail

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Cartoon: What is extremism?

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Cartoon: Do Americans realise Truss is mad?

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Cartoon: Are Trump’s sneakers worth it?

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Cartoon: The Legend of King Boris – should they bring him back?

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Cartoon: What would happen to an army full of Boris Johnsons?

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Cartoon: Are queues a “Brexit freedom”?

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Cartoon: What are Lee Anderson’s principles?

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Cartoon: Mr Sunak vs The Post Office

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Cartoon: Can only the Reform UK party save Britain?

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Cartoon: What will 2024 bring?

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Cartoon: The Night Before Christmas

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Cartoon: Is the Tory party coming apart at the seams?

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Cartoon: Is von der Leyen right that we should go back into the EU?

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Cartoon: Who cares about Farage in the jungle?

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Cartoon: What does David Cameron bring to the table?

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Cartoon: Does Braverman want to be the leader?

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