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Tanit Koch

Germansplaining: How the capital fails German democracy

Our columnist looks at “only in Berlin” syndrome and at how the country’s capital fails its democracy.

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Germansplaining: Why I won’t miss driving in my country

Our columnist steers a steady course to bring us up to speed on a debate raging on Germany's roads

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Germansplaining: Why we need to mention the war

After working on Armin Laschet’s bid to become chancellor, our columnist returns to explore the relationship between her country and Poland

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Cardinals at a crossroads as Germany loses faith

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Why sorry seems to be the hardest (German) word

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Let’s make a Germany-UK Eurovision alliance

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Germany’s double-headed problem with anti-Semitism

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Why Germany’s windows are the envy of the world

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How equality is changing the German language

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Why there is no German Bullingdon Club

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We don’t want our royals back – but we can’t get enough of yours

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Why everybody rents in Germany

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The two carnival kings vying to lead Germany’s conservatives

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Should Germans be heading to the Med this Easter?

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Germany’s Greens must protect their Achilles’ heel

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Pandemic threatens to tarnish Angela Merkel’s legacy

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