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Tanit Koch

Germansplaining: What’s causing Germany’s tax fiasco?

The country has a lack of digital infrastructure. Germany is a fax republic

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The brain and the bomb

Are decisions about firing nuclear weapons best left to error-prone humans? Scientists want reform of the launch protocols, which are 70 years old

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Germansplaining: Germany has an electricity problem, no matter how much politicians say otherwise

Electricity costs in Germany have been much higher than the rest of Europe for years, but now they are exploding

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Germansplaining: The song of the silly season

Why Germany is swaying to the sound of a controversial hit

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Germansplaining: Germany’s own abortion battle

As with most of Europe, abortion is treated very differently from any other aspect of healthcare in Germany. Pro-choice activists are fighting to change this

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Germansplaining: When Dexit disappeared

Now even AfD does not wish to be tainted by any UK Vote Leave association. Don't mention ze Brexit

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Germansplaining: The €9 ticket that could start a transport revolution

German local transport emulates a system from the 19th-century. It desperately needs updating and these tickets could be a step in the right direction

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Germansplaining: How Germany addresses its dark past

Our columnist hopes that digitising Holocaust archives in a new government project will help people “never forget” the horrors of the Nazi genocide

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Germansplaining: How the Bundestag became bloated

Germany’s latest general elections brought about hyper-expansive change to parliament... literally

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Germansplaining: The Sausagegate war among Germany’s poets and playwrights

War has broken out among Germany's self-appointed intellectual literary elite

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Germansplaining: Why the AfD are in meltdown

The party looks trapped on a downhill path, straight towards the fate of a radical East German fringe party

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Germansplaining: Germany’s rail system is giving British inefficiency a run for its money

Complaining about the country's train operator Deutsche Bahn is a national sport. This week our columnist found good reason to do so

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Germansplaining: The chancellor’s tank U-turn reveals a lack of communication skills

Olaf Scholz's change of heart came overnight. So fast that the chairman of his own SPD parliamentary group missed it

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Germansplaining: The Franco-German friendship remains intact

Marine Le Putin lost, Emmanuel Macron won - France will remain Germany's closest ally in Europe

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Germansplaining: Is there a right time for politicians to resign?

Germany has had quite a yield of resignations recently. Our columnist explains why it looks like one more is soon to go in Olaf Scholz's new cabinet

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Germansplaining: Can Olaf Scholz deliver the change he promised?

Zeitenwende is a big word. Our columnist is not yet convinced Germany will live up to it

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Germansplaining: Why, for better or worse, Boris Becker’s still a national icon

Becker obviously owes a lot of money to a lot of people. As a country, however, Germany owes him so much more

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Germansplaining: Why German cuisine is undervalued abroad

Our columnist explains why the world is prejudice towards some of the country's dishes, except for their bread

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Germansplaining: Forget Londongrad, there are peaceful, and legal, ways to build an empire

The only brutal thing about Aldi and Lidl's expansion is the cut-price competition

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Germansplaining: How Cologne Karneval became a peace march

The same day Putin's invasion began, Karneval was due to start, and it did. But, it soon changed into Germany's largest demonstration for Ukraine so far

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Germansplaining: At last, Germany shakes off the shame of its past

Our columnist explains how the country has finally woken up after years of hesitation

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Germansplaining: The hypocrisy of the all-male lunchtime controversy

Our columnist explains that when women in Germany make it to the top, they earn more money than their male counter parts. So, really, they don't need a free lunch

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Germansplaining: The issue with Autobahn activism

After activists glued their hands to the Autobahn, our columnist explains why a well-run information campaign would do more for climate change than performative protests

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Germansplaining: What fate awaits our former political leaders?

Our columnist explains why former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has become, to some, a bit of an embarrassment

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Germansplaining: Why teaching kids to spell properly is not elitist

Our columnist explains why there is controversy in Germany about the way children are taught in primary school.

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Germansplaining: Why Germany is apathetic towards Ukraine

Our columnist explains why, despite Ukraine's pleas for help, Olaf Scholz is desperately trying to ignore rising tensions at the border.

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Germansplaining: The wolves are always at the door in Germany

Our columnist explains why Germans still hold the wolf in such reverence.

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Germansplaining: How Germany keeps using the same approach for its problems

Dinner for One popularised the catchphrase "same procedure as every year". Now it's synonymous with Germany's Covid policy, writes TANIT KOCH.

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Germansplaining: Why Germany’s Nuxit plan is still misguided

Our columnist argues how the timing of Germany's nuclear phase-out is irresponsible.

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Germansplaining: How Germany uses the get-out-of-jail card

Why Germany and Britain diverge wildly when it comes to justice and imposing prison terms.

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Germansplaining: Germany’s problem with jabs

Why do German-speaking countries have significantly lower vaccination rates than the rest of Western Europe?

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Germansplaining: Germany’s anti-Boris takes charge

Our columnist (who worked for his rival during the German elections) says Angela Merkel’s successor is a pragmatist, not an entertainer.

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