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Tanit Koch

Germansplaining: The secrets of the Gerhard Schröder diet

The former chancellor’s reputation may be in tatters, but the diet plan devised by his fifth wife has done wonders for his waistline

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Germansplaining: A German Lineker

Would there have been the same furore over his Twitter posts if Gary was a Gerhard?

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Germansplaining: Hitlermania

It’s not just the British who are obsessed with the Nazis – Hitler still boosts sales and viewing figures in Germany

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Germansplaining: The cancelling of Otto von Bismarck

The country is divided over the ‘iron chancellor’, feminist foreign policy and Putin’s ‘manifesto for peace’

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Germansplaining: Dances with dog poo

Dogged by criticism, German ballet chief Marco Goecke decided to take matters into his own hands...

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Germansplaining: Germany’s answers on asylum

We are no closer to addressing, let alone solving, the issue than Britain

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Germansplaining: When to do Du

The familiar form is mercilessly overused in Germany. So, here's how to use it correctly

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Germansplaining: How 16 artefacts commemorate the Holocaust

Each of these artefacts belonged to a member of German society, until that very same society turned against them

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Germansplaining: The definition of Scholzing

Does the German chancellor think he’s the smartest guy in the (war-)room?

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Germansplaining: Greta v the Greens

The infighting between climate activists may be entertaining to watch but it has a tendency to detract from the point

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Germansplaining: Germany’s defence disaster

In defence minister Christine Lambrecht, Germany surely got the wrong woman for the job

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Germansplaining: How to gain German citizenship

Looking for a new year's resolution? Promise yourself a German passport

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Germansplaining: A guide to the Christmas markets

Christmas markets defy the logic of “seen one, seen them all”. They just have one thing in common: the magic of the festive season

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Germansplaining: When fantasy meets fanatics

When the two meet there's danger ahead. But rest assured, German democracy is well-fortified

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Germansplaining: Semantics dictate Germany’s immigration policy

German immigration policy has been dominated by prefixes for too long. Now, this has finally changed

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Germansplaining: Have climate combaters got it right?

There is enough pseudo-martyrdom going on as it is without the rise in climate activism

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Germansplaining: Our World Cup racism

The World Cup has begun. How can we tell? Snow has fallen in Berlin and pro-Alternative für Deutschland groups have been filling up with racist comments

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Germansplaining: The victims of the East

After two world wars, a genocide and two dictatorships, there is no shortage of reasons for commemoration in Germany. And yet there is

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Germansplaining: Germany’s legalisation plans

Some notable experts, however, question the overall need for reform. It’s a mass experiment

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Germansplaining: Where’s our Sunak?

Germany needs a more diverse group of politicians leading the country. Perhaps, we can learn from you

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Germansplaining: Olaf Scholz goes nuclear

For the moment, Scholz's plan appears to have worked. But, Germany's energy problem isn't solved yet

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Germansplaining: Anti-Americanism is back

A wave of Anti-Americanism has returned to Germany. Or, to be more accurate, it never really vanished

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Germansplaining: Why Berlin’s poll failed

After last year's election disaster in the capital, trust in Germany's democracy needs to be restored

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Germansplaining: Does the country still dare to bare?

The country's nudist clubs are running out of members. Soon, Germans au naturel may become extinct

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Germansplaining: Germany’s falling Green star

All eyes are on Robert Habeck. Unfortunately, his energy crisis polices are only snatching the surface of Germany's problems

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Germansplaining: Oktoberfest is back

It's time to raise a glass, the famous beer festival has returned

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Germansplaining: The Queen of reconciliation

Germany isn't a country of royalists, but we turned into a republic of Elizabethans

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Germansplaining: The death of Germany’s forests

There are few things Germans have a closer bond to than the woods and now they're under threat. However, there is hope...

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Germansplaining: Will a German icon be cancelled?

Karl May's Winnetou and the German soul are inseparable. I'm optimistic the country's icon will evade cancellation

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Mikhail Gorbachev: Germany’s biggest political pop-star

It’s hard to put in words how much my country owes him. Danke, Gorbi

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Germansplaining: Does Germany have too much television?

German public broadcasting has gone beyond a public service and has become excessive and expensive

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Germansplaining: A very Scholz Scandal

Scholz's convenient “memory loss” about his involvement in the Cum-Ex scandal not only tarnishes his own image, but harms trust in Germany's political system

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