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Tanit Koch

Germansplaining: We are failing our children

The way the country is neglecting the younger generations amounts to criminal negligence

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Germansplaining: Henry Kissinger’s Germanic legacy

For Germans, Kissinger's is a story of forgiveness

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Germansplaining: Germany’s budget bother

Breaking with their stereotype, the country’s fiscal responsibility has gone awry

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Germansplaining: Time to celebrate St Martin

To my delight, this Germanic tradition lives on across Europe

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Germansplaining: Our relationship with poppies

Remembrance feels more important than ever this year

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Germansplaining: Sahra Wagenknecht is digging The Left’s grave

The post-GDR party she used to co-chair is on the brink of extinction, and Wagenknecht is gearing up to push her former comrades off a cliff

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Germansplaining: The “both sides” rhetoric needs to stop

Hamas has made it brutally simple to pick a side – the challenge for our society is seeing it through

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Germansplaining: Germany’s lurch to the right

Too many Germans see support for AfD as an eastern phenomenon but the party’s vote share is growing in the west

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Germansplaining: The Italians, the refugee crisis, and us

Rising tensions over the Mediterranean migrant crisis threaten to sour the special relationship between Germany and Italy

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Germansplaining: Germany’s refugee crisis

Local authorities work relentlessly to organise housing, care and schooling. But they are exhausted and so is the system

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Germansplaining: Harry is a national hit in Germany

Thanks to his Invictus Games, traumatised German soldiers have been brought, rightly, into the limelight

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Germansplaining: What happened to impartial journalism?

With trust levels down, it’s time for the German media to win people back

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Germansplaining: Hubert Aiwanger’s youthful indiscretions are no laughing matter

Public opinion is divided over an antisemitic leaflet, which Aiwanger denies authorship of, that emerged from the Bavaria premier’s teenage years

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Germansplaining: Beware the ‘Nazi raccoons’

Germany’s somewhat comical migration issue has captured the attention of Europe’s media

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Germansplaining: Work, holidays and the myth of Teutonic efficiency

The stereotype of hard-working Germans doesn’t hold up under scrutiny – no other country in Europe offers more paid time off

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Germansplaining: School sport

This autumn – after years of political debate – reforms will start to be implemented to make German kids move more

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Germansplaining: Finding beauty in Quedlinburg

Next year, the quaint town in Saxony-Anhalt will celebrate 30 years of world heritage status. Once you visit, it’s easy to see why

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Germansplaining: Berlin’s Lioness made me miss the silly season

I yearn for the days when the news took a proper summer break and non-news would entertain us

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Germansplaining: There’s trouble at the lido

Germany needs to make its pools safer. In the meantime, where’s David Hasselhoff when you need him?

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Germansplaining: It’s time to visit Bayreuth

The longest-running German music festival is a treat for all Wagner fans. Tickets, however, can be hard to come by

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Germansplaining: Germany is normalising the far right

The AfD’s recent electoral victory is set to cause chaos in the country

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Germansplaining: The rise of the far-right AfD

Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland party could be on the verge of securing an unprecedented governing post in the Sonneberg district

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Germansplaining: Till Lindemann, the bad boy of German shock rock

The lead singer of legendary rock band Rammstein faces accusations of grooming young fans for his pleasure

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Germansplaining: A different sort of driving lesson

This week, I swapped motorways for the Rhine. If the EU's plans for licenses materialise, maybe the change will be permanent

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Germansplaining: How the Greens have gone from pumped to dumped

Germany's Green Party is facing a public backlash as their policies struggle to gain support and voters ditch them in their droves

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Germansplaining: The Benin Bronzes

Germany has returned 1,117 looted Benin Bronzes to Nigeria, but who really owns them?

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Germansplaining: Our Turkish expats

Expat Turks have had the chance to remove Erdoğan and restore democracy in the process. Will they have seized this chance?

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Germansplaining: The everlasting differences between East and West

In Germany today, a lot of stereotypes between the East and the West remain. This is far from healthy

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Germansplaining: A family affair

Don’t expect a kitchen photo-op from Olaf Scholz and his wife, Britta Ernst, any time soon

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Germansplaining: Getting Nuxit done

Germany has shut down its last remaining nuclear power plants, despite concerns over volatile power grids and rising energy costs

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Germansplaining: A royal visit fit for a King

Charles III dazzles in his first official trip to Germany, impressing with his language skills and sense of humour

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Germansplaining: Efficiency and recycling

Germans are renowned for their efficiency – but when it comes to recycling, we need to separate the fact from the fiction

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