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Tanit Koch

Germansplaining: A tough road ahead

Friedrich Merz's critics are already queueing up long before his new government has even left the starting blocks

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Britain's post-Brexit era is over

Thanks to Putin’s aggression and Trump’s greed, the UK has regained its international status

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Why Merz must act fast

Despite the CDU achieving one of its worst results ever, the party has managed to keep the AfD out of power – for now

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Inside the head of Germany’s next chancellor

The six-foot-six Friedrich Merz tends to look down on people - but his tenacity could be just what a troubled country needs

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Why are Germans fed up with politics?

A recent psychological study revealed how the country picks its politicians. The results were nothing short of depressing

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The dark shadow of the AfD hangs over German politics

The leader of one of Germany’s main political parties relied on the extreme right wing AfD party to get his immigration bill through parliament. Big mistake

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No, Elon. Here’s why Germans can’t ‘move beyond’ Auschwitz

On Holocaust Memorial Day, with anti-Jewish crimes at an all-time high, the country needs to remember more than ever

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What our language says about us

This year’s non-word of the year, ‘Bio-deutsch’ (biological German) has caused much controversy

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Who will win Germany's immigrant vote?

The number of immigrant voters could reach a peak at this election but this doesn't mean that the Social Democrats, Greens and the liberal FDP will benefit

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ARD and Germany's first media scandal of the year

The scandal, which involves toxic masculinity, sexism and cancel culture, asks if this century allows for second chances

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Elon Musk enters German politics

The entrepreneur’s foray into European politics and obsession with the AfD is troubling, given his megaphone X

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Germansplaining: Happy birthday boomers!

2024 marked a milestone for Germany’s biggest demographic cohort

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Scholz loses, and wins the right to lose again

German elections are set for February after the chancellor forced a confidence vote to end political paralysis

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How Thomas Mann taught Germans to chill out

First published in 1924, his masterpiece Der Zauberberg (The Magic Mountain) is a highbrow ode to chilling

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How universities can avoid cancellation

Academic institutions, such as Leipzig University, must learn how to stand firm and not let intimidation become routine

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The return of Merkelmania

The former German chancellor has played it smart again by shrouding her memoirs in secrecy ahead of their release

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Misunderstanding Dietrich Bonhoeffer's legacy

Bonhoeffer fought against exclusion and for those who couldn’t fight for themselves

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Olaf Scholz cracks under pressure

As the coalition falls, the chancellor was pushed to call an election earlier than he planned

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Why the German coalition government has just collapsed

German politics is now a dysfunctional mess and it’s all Olaf Scholz’s fault. With Trump looming, the timing couldn’t be worse

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Are ‘trusted flaggers’ reporting hate or erasing debate?

Germany is issuing licences to groups who will report (what they think is) illegal and detrimental content on social media platforms

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Germansplaining: Bauhaus and the Nazis

The art school embodied a renewed liberal spirit in the Weimar Republic but also had complex intersections with the Nazi Party

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Can Thomas Tuchel end 60 years of hurt?

His appointment as England manager has raised eyebrows in Germany, but he is a world-class coach who x-rays his opponents like no one else

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Germansplaining: The Greens are in trouble

All eyes are on vice-chancellor Habeck as his plans for the party fail to pay off

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German democracy tastes further mayhem

In Thuringia’s parliament, what should have been standard protocol was turned into a farce, engineered by AfD

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Austria’s far right rises again

Despite neo-Nazi and antisemitism scandals, the Freedom Party FPÖ won the European elections in June

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‘A battle for the soul of Israel’

Netanyahu and his extremist administration have pushed the country to the brink. It needs a new government and a new plan

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Germany is losing the infowar

The Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) is finding it hard to keep up with espionage's identity crisis

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Why Volkswagen has broken down

Old mistakes are catching up with the German industrial colossus

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What's behind AfD’s election surge?

German voters are not becoming extremists. They are just fed up

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Germansplaining: the extreme East

The far right AfD is poised for major wins this weekend’s eastern state elections amid rising discontent

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Welcome to “Das Adele Dorf”

During the singer’s 10-night residency in Munich, she understood exactly what Germans need to hear

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The prisoner swap worked in Putin's favour

Vadim Krasikov is a free man. Putin wanted his hitman back

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