Steve Anglesey
15 April 2020
Me, Myself and Icke: The day I had to dump the conspiracy theorist

03 April 2020
Why conspirator-in-chief Trump believes the same virus theories as my postman

18 March 2020
How the extreme Brexiteers have delivered the worst takes over the coronavirus

13 March 2020
Mark Francois says he’s not going away as he becomes chair of ERG

26 February 2020
Smirky Spice: How Priti Patel is little more than a wannabe Spice Girl

22 February 2020
How Rebecca Long-Bailey has come full circle on her Brexit views

23 January 2020
Why Piers Morgan is a hypocrite to tell Remainers to stop championing a ‘lost cause’

08 January 2020
Why is Jess Phillips being singled out by trolls in the Labour leadership contest?

29 December 2019
Ann Widdecombe, Nigel Farage and Mark Francois: The Brexiteers of the Year

10 December 2019
BREX FACTOR: Horse fan Matt Hancock is taking us all for a ride

30 November 2019
The peculiar leafleting antics of IDS… and what it says about Tory tactics

25 November 2019
Could Brexit Party Michelle Dewberry split the pro-Brexit vote?

14 November 2019
Jacob Rees-Mogg’s witterings in the weirdest newspaper column you’ve never heard of

07 November 2019
Farewell to UKIP’s Dick Braine and the ministry of silly names

19 October 2019
BREX FACTOR: The Brexit Party are a farce.. but could hold the balance of power

11 October 2019
‘Get Brexit Done’ – The irritating catchphrase that is driving the country to despair

03 October 2019
BREX FACTOR: Is James Cleverly the least aptly-named politician of all time?