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Steve Anglesey

No-deal is actually a deal, claims Brexiteer author

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‘Project Fear’ was right about Brexit all along: The quotes that prove it

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BREXITEERS OF THE WEEK: New Scottish Tory adviser found Brexit vote ‘too difficult’ to decide

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The pro-hunting anti-licence fee Brexiteer lined up to run the BBC

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Is there really a ‘political void’ that these two can fill?

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BREXITEERS OF THE WEEK: New Scottish Tory adviser found Brexit vote ‘too difficult’ to decide

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Britain’s funniest letters page is no longer in Viz, but the Sunday Express

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Do you know your prime ministers? Take our quiz to find out…

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BREXITEERS OF THE WEEK: Farage ally who said it took ‘democratic principle’ to turn down peerage set to join Lords

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Inside Tory HQ – where they are quietly preparing for a drop in support

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The Brexiteers behind the ‘Defund the BBC’ campaign

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BREXITEERS OF THE WEEK: Ann Widdecombe proposes shopping hour for face mask protesters

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Nigel Farage’s attempts to spark another ‘Brexit’ in Italy

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Brexiteer opinion on face masks is just as illogical as their stance on the EU

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BREXITEERS OF THE WEEK: Joan Collins hit by Brexit after claiming it would be ‘good for us’

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BREXITEERS OF THE WEEK: Nadine Dorries caught out claiming ‘fake news’

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Why Arron Banks’ plan to target Jacinda Ardern is not going to plan

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‘Take Brexit Revenge’ – The mantra for Boris Johnson’s government

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Parler: Is this Katie Hopkins’ new home for hatred?

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The so-called ‘culture war’ the Tories want to fight at the next election

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How the British right is suffering from virtue-signalling failure

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BREXITEERS OF THE WEEK: Ann Widdecombe urges people to ignore lockdown rules

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There’s a Major problem for our wannabe Winston

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Brexiteers of the Week: Journalist who mocked Remainers for EU trips holidayed in France

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Priti Patel’s ‘end of free movement’ messaging drags us back to 1984

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Brexiteers of the Week: Mark Francois changes his tune on NHS workers

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Hack Farage’s ‘invasion’ exclusive is nothing but fabrication

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BREXITEERS OF THE WEEK: Daniel Kawczynski tries to overturn result of two referendums

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How Boris Johnson’s book for children became another schoolboy error

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Brexiteers of the Week: Former UKIP MEP claims Leavers too busy to pick crops

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How restarting the Premier League has become a political football for the Tories

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Brexiteers of the Week: David Starkey tries to rewrite history over Brexit

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