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Steve Anglesey

MONDO EUROPE: Maradona speed car fetches a quick buck

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How would David Frost do on TV’s The Wall? Dyer…

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Mondo Europe: Berliners given a preview of advertising in the sky

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Boris Johnson’s Brexit red tape hurts baby clothing firms

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Sunlit Uplands: As shellfish war rages, the net closes around George Eustice

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Mondo Europe: Eurovision song causes Satanic panic in Cyprus

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Brexit bother at the border for Britain’s animals

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MONDO EUROPE: France’s unsafe safe robbers are totally crackers

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SUNLIT UPLANDS: Cheese importers kick up a stink over Brexit

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MONDO EUROPE: Dire dryer decision goes down like a house on fire

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SUNLIT UPLANDS: Government’s war on experts extends to exports

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News from the continent: Bayern’s night on the plane, and James Blunt’s burglary

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Brexiteers of the Week: Julia Hartley-Brewer proves she’s no scientist with lockdown prediction

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The British Trumpers who will remain angry about the results whatever happens

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Play US Election 2020 Bingo with our printable cards

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The key times for the US election results

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Brexiteers of week: Steve Baker bashes the archbishops

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Fool’s gold? Nigel Farage wants you to invest your trust in his financial advice service

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So.. it’s totally unprecedented, but what the people want is more political cliches

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Brexiteers of the week: John Lydon shows he’s pretty vacant with support for Donald Trump and Brexit

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Brexiteers Of The Week: Nigel Farage thinks Donald Trump will turn Covid-19 diagnosis into a “triumph”

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‘Let me be clear’: These are politics’ worst cliches

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No-deal is actually a deal, claims Brexiteer author

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‘Project Fear’ was right about Brexit all along: The quotes that prove it

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BREXITEERS OF THE WEEK: New Scottish Tory adviser found Brexit vote ‘too difficult’ to decide

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The pro-hunting anti-licence fee Brexiteer lined up to run the BBC

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Is there really a ‘political void’ that these two can fill?

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BREXITEERS OF THE WEEK: New Scottish Tory adviser found Brexit vote ‘too difficult’ to decide

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Britain’s funniest letters page is no longer in Viz, but the Sunday Express

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Do you know your prime ministers? Take our quiz to find out…

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BREXITEERS OF THE WEEK: Farage ally who said it took ‘democratic principle’ to turn down peerage set to join Lords

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Inside Tory HQ – where they are quietly preparing for a drop in support

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