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Steve Anglesey

Brexit beer and lorry shortages are enough to drive you to drink

Pubs could run out of beer over the bank holiday weekend days after Nando's were forced to close due to a lack of chicken.

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Weird Europe: Kanye West fans race to Paris suburbs field for gig that never was

More weird news from Europe, including a fake Kanye West gig in a field near Paris, a cow-riding German and the Austrian punk singer who vaccinates his own fans

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Why chicken and chips may be off the menu after the latest Brexit disruption

Fast-food chain KFC and German potato farmers face interruptions to normal service after a shortage of lorry drivers

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Why October 1 is likely to bring more Brexit pain and shortages

More food shortages and higher prices are likely to be the result of new Brexit checks that come into effect from October 1

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Weird Europe: Germans offered bratwurst as vaccine incentive

A vaccination centre in Sonneberg, central Germany, southern Thuringia, increased its footfall by nearly 80 per cent by offering a free bratwurst with each jab

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The summer quiz of last resort

Which place features in question eight?

You might not be able to reach your favourite continental European destination this summer – or find a booking at the British seaside either. But you can still pay a fleeting visit to sunny climes with Steve Anglesey’s quiz, in which each answer is somewhere you might have been (or hope to be heading) in more normal times

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Rabbits win court battle against French army

Rabbits at Les Invalides

The continent's strangest news, including a colony of rabbits winning a court battle against the French military and an alleged fraudster with a gold toilet

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Empty shelves are partly down to Brexit – but not everyone will admit it

Empty shelves at a Sainsbury's store in Cardiff

Supermarket shortages are being blamed on the 'pingdemic' - but Brexit must take its share of responsibility after 25,000 lorry drivers returned to the EU

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Fake cardinals get busted by fake priests

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Cost of Brexit is already 38 times more than the money set aside for levelling up

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Weird Europe: Robot pizza chef in Paris.. and the Zagreb flat with the kitchen in the bathroom

A pizza restaurant with a robot as the chef has opened in Paris.

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Liz Truss caught out over untrue Brexit claims over apples and trade

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Weird news: Europe’s most expensive flat is £155k a month

An apartment that costs 180,000 euros (£155,000) per month to rent is available in Monte Carlo One, a luxury block overlooking Monaco’s famous Place du Casino.

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Brexiteer who compared EU to badly-run hotel bemoans lack of EU staff for her own hotel

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Weird European news: The waiter who says he’s the real king of Spain

The weirdest stories in Europe: The pub waiter who says he's a Spanish royal, and a corpse rides for six hours on a Swiss tram

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Brexit mobile charges show it’s not just Matt Hancock who pays for roaming

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Dead woman taunts ‘selfish’ family from beyond the grave

María Paz Fuentes Fernández's family got a shock after her death - she had booked a local newspaper notice banning them from her funeral

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Food industry predicts empty shelves and price rises in latest Brexit dividend

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Polish dealer mistakenly sends cocaine to supermarket in banana box

The week's weirdest news from Europe includes a drug mix-up in Poland, a trigger-happy pensioner in Germany and a violent squirrel in Turkey

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Crisis in the unpicked fruit fields shows Brexit is rotten

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American troops storm Bulgaria olive oil factory by accident

Work stopped in a Bulgarian factory that produces olive oil processing machinery when it was accidentally stormed by American soldiers on a training exercise.

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Brexit: British ‘expats’ in Spain facing deportation over residency

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Swedish students told: Stop eating live goldfish

High school students in Skellefteå, north east Sweden, have been banned from buying goldfish over fears that they will eat them while still alive.

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Lorry park light show brings chaos to Leave-voting Ashford

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MONDO EUROPE: Your chance to fly like dictator Nicolae Ceausescu

At a time when dictators and aircraft are making news, Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu’s third-favourite plane is up for auction with a starting price of €25,000 (£21,500).

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Australian trade deal proves Liz Truss doesn’t give a XXXX about our farmers

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MONDO EUROPE: €3m Belgian castle sold for €1 after brothers’ feud

The Flemish government has spent €1 on buying a 500-year-old castle that had become derelict because of a feud between the brothers who owned it

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France takes more UK finance jobs as visiting relatives there gets tougher

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How Brexit has turned sour for the dairy industry

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MONDO EUROPE: £215 socks help you follow in Boney’s footsteps

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Mondo Europe: Italy’s Robinson Crusoe forced off his island after 30 years

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Post-Brexit EU worker exodus hits restaurants and pubs

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