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Steve Anglesey

BREX FACTOR: Dominic Cummings’ catalogue of cartoon errors

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Are the Government’s Brexit ads a psychology trick on all of Britain?

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Sunblest and soufflés: How Jacob Rees-Mogg’s diet goes way some way to explaining his Brexit views

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BREX FACTOR: Boris Johnson has been sold a pup over his dog strategy

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BREX FACTOR: It’s wartime all the time for Brexiteers

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BREX FACTOR: Crowning the Brexiteers of the Week

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BREX FACTOR: The surreal political debate taking place on daytime Channel 5

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BREX FACTOR: The Brexit Party’s ‘diverse’ list of would-be MPs

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BREX FACTOR: The American who wants to fund Brexit

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BREX FACTOR: A newspaper all about Brexit? Are they mad?

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BREX FACTOR: Why Morrissey is our Brexiteer of the Week

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BREX FACTOR: Why Boris Johnson’s newest unicorn is so lame

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BREXIT FACTOR: Is by-election ‘scandal’ tosh in home of Posh?

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BREX FACTOR: Why is Labour man Barry Gardiner never off TV?

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Brex Factor: Blonde ambition – Esther McVey’s weird telly years

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BREX FACTOR: Merry band of ‘winners’ are a bunch of Brexit Party whingers

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Ghouls, goals, gaffes – Meet Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party MEPs

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BREX FACTOR: Making a meal of Nigel Farage’s big splash

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BREX FACTOR: TV presenter crowned Brexiteer of the Week

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BREX FACTOR: Why UKIP’s Thomas Paul Kangley is Brexiteer of the Week

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The end of irony as Farage moans about lack of airtime ahead of his 33rd appearance on Question Time

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Brex Factor: the unreal views of reality TV Brexiteer

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BREX FACTOR: Boris’ Extinct Rebellion against climate protests

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Brex Factor: Fined pundit Grimes is fine by Sky News

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BREX FACTOR: Raab’s crook book carries lessons for Vote Leave cheats

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BREX FACTOR: Insults and injuries on the other Brexit march

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‘Don’t compare it to the People’s Vote march’, plead Brexit protest organisers

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BREX FACTOR: Heard of the Love Train? Now you can ​join the Leave Train

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BREX FACTOR: Cash-in merchants facing a bonfire of the Brexit vanities

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BREX FACTOR: Nadine Dorries caught between two stools over TIG rap

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Brex Factor: What Poopsie the defecating unicorn tells us about Brexit

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Bed and Brexit: The guest house which is new Farage HQ

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