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Stan Abbott

How to rid the Canary Islands of an eyesore

Campaigners in the Canary Islands are striving for a more sustainable tourism model

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How Byron became a Greek myth

Two hundred years after his death, Lord Byron is still considered among the founding fathers of modern Greece

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Flying the flag for independence

Flags are often at the centre of contemporary culture wars, but controversy over national symbols is nothing new in the Faroe Islands

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Norway’s fjords take a bruising from cruising

Banning cruise ships may reduce pollution on the water, but it also creates its own set of issues

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Norway’s Sámi and their annual reindeer race

The tradition is one of the defining events of the Sámi people’s annual calendar

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Normandy’s wandering distillers

Young farmers are bringing the distilling business back into fashion

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How Bergen is winning the dried cod war

Norway’s second city is becoming one of Europe’s hottest food tickets. Just don’t mention the lutefisk

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The Atlantic piece of Portugal with an American heart

A hit Netflix show is drawing tourists to the Azores, the archipelago where migration and magic are facts of life

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Sardinia, the island of two halves

Whichever side of Sardinia you visit, you’ll likely find yourself hiding in a cave away from the scorching heat

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Pressure Küche: Why schnitzel’s off the menu in Austria

Hit Netflix series Restaurants on the Edge demonstrates that keeping it simple in the kitchen doesn’t always mean submitting to the obvious

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When Cyprus became a divided nation

The country’s past turmoil can be traced back to the colonial rule that sought to divide and rule citizens of Cyprus

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The bell tolls for the trolls in Denmark

The original Danish variety of troll doll holds more history than that of its American imitations

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It’s easy to spend time (and money) in Lofoten

No matter the season, this rugged Norwegian archipelago holds my heart

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In France, some things can never be forgotten

Europe is once more witness to invasion, destruction and war. Can, or even should, we ever put such horrors behind us?

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The land of functional anarchy

Greece’s wildest peninsula, the Mani, is a place of mystery and ruined towers, where locals lived “a knife’s edge away from starvation”

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The rise and falls of ‘Aeroflop’

Russia’s biggest airline is marking its centenary. But is there much to celebrate?

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“A knife’s edge away from starvation”

Greece’s wildest peninsular, the Mani, is a place of ruined towers and ‘functional anarchy’

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Polluting the sky

How can we clean up air travel?

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The deep sea dining experience

A Michelin-starred underwater restaurant is working wonders for a small coastal community in Norway

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Stone love: did Britain give megaliths to Europe?

The building of circular structures seems to have coincided with the exchange of a nomadic lifestyle for a more settled one

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The riddles of St Kilda: the archipelago with more questions than answers

The Scottish outpost is studded with 1,400 stone shelters. But like the origins of the people who built them, their true purpose is unclear

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Lanzarote: The invention of an island

Even in the least promising surroundings, nature and commerce tend to find a way. Unique wine-making is one element of Lanzarote’s extraordinary rebirth from the ashes

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Living on an island … how fragile communities are being ruined by lockdown escapees

From Orkney to Oléron, people are heading offshore in search of a simpler existence. But the trend is having a profound impact on some of the continent’s most fragile communities.

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The tunnel kings of Europe

The Faroe Islanders are in the process of connecting up their archipelago with a series of breathtaking tunnels. Could they be setting an example for the UK to follow?

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Scottish independence: How to draw a line in the sea

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From Panama to Suez… the isthmuses that shape the world

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Corsica might be beautiful, but it’s also the murder capital of Europe

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Can communities on remote islands survive in the modern age?

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Albania’s clouded prospects

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