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Richard Luck

Capucine, the French cover girl turned Hollywood star

It was while the 22-year-old Germaine Lefebvre was walking down a Parisian street that her life was forever changed

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Ken Adam, the fighter pilot who defined the look of Bond

Like Stanley Kubrick, his gift was to imagine and then realise the unimaginable, the unrealisable – places you could never go

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Giuseppe Di Stefano, the tenor who captivated Callas

‘Pippo’ soared to fame alongside Maria Callas in the 1950s but his playboy lifestyle ultimately led to the loss of his golden voice

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The Pirate who valued his authenticity above all else

At a time when cyclists had begun to resemble machines, Pantani was almost impossibly human, unable to conceal his emotions

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How an Italian made America’s greatest gangster movie

The troubled birth and lasting genius of Sergio Leone’s Once Upon A Time in America

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Killing time on the Costa del Crime

How Stephen Frears’ The Hit – the first movie based on British gangsters exiled in Spain – finally lived up to its name

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Fifty years of The Night Porter

Liliana Cavani's pitch-black tale of a Nazi and a camp survivor bound together enraged almost everybody on its original release. Half a century on, has the tide turned?

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The trouble with Harry Lime

The Third Man turns 75

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The curse of Clouseau

Sixty years on, are the Pink Panther films still funny?

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The crime that shocked the Netherlands: When the Heineken boss was kidnapped

Forty years ago one of the Netherlands’ wealthiest men was snatched by the future godfathers of the Dutch underworld

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Bricking it before Brexit: the story of Auf Wiedersehen, Pet

Forty years on, the adventures of a bunch of brickies abroad still have a lot to tell us about Britain, its workers and Europe

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Love and Death in Venice: Don’t Look Now at 50

Cinema's most infamous sex scene; a shattering opening sequence and a truly unforgettable finale – Nicolas Roeg's Daphne du Maurier adaptation has lost none of its power with the passing of time

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Cross of Iron should have been the film to end all war films. What happened?

A troubled shoot and underwhelming reviews almost spelled the end of director Sam Peckinpah’s career

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Why has Napoleon defeated so many actors and directors?

Joaquin Phoenix dons the bicorn hat in Ridley Scott’s new biopic, but will he fare better than his predecessors?

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Indiana Jones and the Nazis

Did the Third Reich really have teams of archaeologists dedicated to finding sacred relics in the name of Aryan mastery? The answer, unbelievably, is yes.

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The Day of the Jackal: An assassination movie without equal

How Frederick Forsyth’s bestselling thriller became the last word in political assassination cinema

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The best Halloween film you’ve never seen

It's a period film. It's a monster movie. It's a martial arts picture. It's Brotherhood Of The Wolf and its improbable global cult status is long overdue

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Angels of old Berlin: An oral history of Wings of Desire

Wim Wenders's classic film premiered in West Berlin 35 years ago. Today it stands apart from both his and everyone else’s work

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Bill Murray’s French Connection

At the height of his fame, the star of Ghostbusters and Groundhog Day called time on his movie career. Why? So he could study philosophy at the Sorbonne

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Wolfgang Petersen — “There’ll never be another like him”

If he'd only made Das Boot, a place in the movie pantheon would still be his. But there was so much more to the man who became the ideal studio director

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God of shock: the weird and challenging career of Paul Verhoeven

Dutch king of controversy Paul Verhoeven returns with Benedetta, a convent drama more devilish than The Devils

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Ski Sunday: The show that sent Britain downhill fast

With Briton Dave Ryding going for gold in Beijing, now's the perfect time to celebrate the 44 years of a BBC institution

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How Dougal and the Blue Cat became a glorious advert for pan-European eccentricity

Fifty years on from the flop film version that became a cult classic, taking another ride along with the psychedelic French-British TV sensation for kids

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Was a CIA operative the vital piece in the Kennedy puzzle?

He was a Russian nobleman. He was a secret agent. And his best friend was Lee Harvey Oswald. Meet George de Mohrenschildt.

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The story behind Ridley Scott’s House of Gucci film

The 1995 killing of style tycoon Maurizio Gucci is such a captivating tale it’s astonishing that it has taken so long to get to the big screen.

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The death of a soprano

As The Many Saints Of Newark revisits the world of The Sopranos, RICHARD LUCK remembers the day the screen’s favourite mobster prematurely cut to black…

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When the Ryder Cup came close to missing the cut

Great Britain performed a reverse Brexit when they joined up with Europe to be competitive against the USA in golf’s biennial team event. But for a while, it seemed even that would not work and the Ryder Cup was doomed, writes RICHARD LUCK

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Moviedrome: How Alex Cox made the BBC cult film series

It was the show that began RICHARD LUCK’s love of cinema. Now he talks with host Alex Cox about BBC2’s Sunday night cult film strand Moviedrome

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Julien Baptiste – Centre stage at last

Tchéky Karyo’s fame reaches a whole new level appearing as Baptiste

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The mystery of the Inuit who arrived in Scotland

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Radio On retuned: Return of the ultimate UK cult film

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How the British and Irish Lions keep our nations together

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