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Richard Holledge

Creative Coasts: Where art goes to the seaside

Herbrand Sackville, the 9th Earl of de la Warr, was ahead of his time in his belief that art could breathe new life into a town. A century on, RICHARD HOLLEDGE looks at the must-see art of the east coast

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New exhibition in Amsterdam examines tools of slave trade

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The women of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

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Are virtual visits to art galleries now here to stay?

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Photography exhibition proves a snapshot of eccentric Britain

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Scents and sensibility: Art you can smell

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How the savage killing of Thomas Becket is the focus of a new exhibition

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How Richard Hamilton became Britain’s most influential pop artist

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Munch bunch: A look at the work of Edvard Munch and Tracey Emin

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How William Hogarth exposed corruption through art

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Mervyn Peake: The troubled mind behind the sinister art

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When rock took on racism

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Pilgrims and progressives: The story of the Mayflower voyage

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The Norman Context: Understanding lockdown through impressionist art

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How surrealism baffled Britain

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The art of advertising

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The Art Deco designs that captured Britain’s seafront

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How New Orleans became the party capital of the world

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That’s life: The story of the classic photo journalism magazine

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The macabre story of how George Stubbs got under the skin of his subjects

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Colonial baggage is not the only take away from western depictions of the east

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The art project inspired by the Cold War’s last frontier

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Eurofile: New exhibition for a city frozen in time

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RICHARD HOLLEDGE: How Jamaica has transformed yet remains unchanged

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Rollercoaster ride: The rise, fall and recent recovery of Britain’s seaside towns

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What has happened to the UK’s progress in aviation?

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Tainted Art: How China’s cultural revolution left an artistic legacy

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Ian Hislop’s Search for Dissent – A long history of human insubordination

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Still midnight in the garden of good and evil

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