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Richard Holledge

Rebuilding Palmyra, brick by electronic brick

The ancient city of Palmyra was shattered by Islamic State. Now a Syrian artist is rebuilding it on her computer

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Apocalypse right now: visions of destruction and disaster in Northern Italy

A new exhibition recalls the litany of catastrophe that has afflicted the world for centuries

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Ukraine’s painful beauty

A Kyiv gallery has defied Russian missile attacks to stage a visceral but tender art competition for artists under 35

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Capturing space and time in Kazakhstan

Photographer Andrew McConnell set out to record cosmonauts in Kazakhstan – but found the local people infinitely more fascinating

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Paula Rego’s nursery nightmares

Inspired by Goya, the Portuguese artist’s versions of Humpty Dumpty and Three Blind Mice are very much not for children

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Antonio Calderara, the changing man

Once a painter of charming small-town scenes, Antonio Calderara radically departed into the abstract. But was this shift as sudden, or surprising, as it seems?

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Rediscovering impressionist landscapes

Photographer Christoph Irrgang returns to the sites where masterpieces were painted to see how much they have changed

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The gold and silver medallist

The innovative works of Norway’s Anna-Eva Bergman, realised in metal leaf, bear comparison with Rothko and Klimt

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Norway’s forgotten genius

The small town of Bodø has achieved recognition as the European Capital of Culture 2024. Now, will it also recognise one of its own?

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Living in the shadow of Chernobyl

Pierpaolo Mittica’s photos capture everyday existence in the ‘new Pompeii’ – close to the site of the world’s worst nuclear accident

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The ego has landed

The man behind the masks and mysteries – James Ensor, the angry, vindictive, solitary genius of Ostend

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Sergio Strizzi: the perfect moment

A new exhibition of the Italian photographer’s work captures the glamour of postwar Italian film

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The brightest false dawn

Early Soviet avant-garde art… and how it was crushed

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Crescent tense: Photo London is a Turkish delight

Provocative and dramatic work from Turkey is among the highlights of this year’s Photo London

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Clinical. Cynical. Homicidal.

Nikita Teryoshin’s chilling photos of ‘The back office of war’

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Women in revolt: a shared language of radical abstraction

A new exhibition connects the work of over 50 women from across the world

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Dancing at the crossroads: Dublin celebrates art from the ashes of the first world war

A hugely ambitious exhibition at the Irish Museum of Modern Art shows how a burgeoning sense of nationhood gripped many European countries in 1918

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When is a victory not a victory?

After the battle comes the reckoning – even for the winners

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In full flow by the river

For one brief moment, five very different artists – including Van Gogh and Seurat – sought inspiration on the banks of the Seine

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Defiant Kyiv’s art of war

As Russia bombs Ukraine’s cultural sites, the powerful work in the capital’s Biennial is scattered across Europe

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Lisetta Carmi, the genius of Genoa

The refugee, who became an acclaimed photographer, had a lifelong fascination with outsiders

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Fake views: the art of the counterfeiter

Technology is making forged paintings easier to identify, and giving us a chance to appreciate the art and craft of the counterfeiters

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The prince of prints: Albrecht Dürer’s apocalyptic visions

The German artist was an immodest man with little to be modest about

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Ragnar Axelsson: Ambassador of a melting world

The Icelandic photographer captures landscapes laid bare by receding ice caps.. and the haunted faces of locals who see their way of life ending

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Homage to Orwell in Catalonia

The author lives on in a Barcelona conference which asks what he would make of the upcoming Spanish election and Franco’s legacy

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Helsinki highlights art in search of a solution

The Helsinki Biennial event highlights how the climate crisis sparked Finland’s artistic and cultural awakening

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Prisoner. Pervert. Pioneer. Is the Marquis de Sade misunderstood?

A new exhibition is based on the life and works of a man who took part in orgies of rape and torture and boasted he had written the “most impure tale that has ever been told”

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No home from war: Images of conflict, survival and loss

Ivor Prickett’s photographs capture not just the horror of conflict but also the tender moments, the tedium and the weary suffering

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Legends, lies and the labyrinth: Debunking the myth of the minotaur

A new exhibition explores whether Ancient Greece's labyrinth existed or was a confection of the imagination cultivated over the centuries

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The boats that made the Med

A revelatory collection of Mediterranean antiquities makes for a quietly subversive exhibition in Cambridge

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Pictures from the shadows in Iran

After a brutal clampdown on their freedom, Iranian photographers have had to find new ways to express themselves

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The art the Taliban couldn’t stop

Hundreds of Afghan artists have had to flee the country since the regime closed down galleries and threatened them with prison

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