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Reader Letters

Trump’s loss will bring compassion and honesty back to politics

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Now is the time for the opposition to advocate internationalism again

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Right-wing Tories are proving their ideology trumps everything

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Limit MP terms to make politics less stale and male

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Meals row shows politicians need lessons in real life

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Boris Johnson should look to Angela Merkel for ‘world class’ leadership

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Dido Harding is struggling to defend the indefensible

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Piers Morgan must expose the government’s Brexit betrayal

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Electoral system is only a benefit to the Conservatives

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Don’t compare Boris Johnson to Captain Mainwaring

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Report of Boris Johnson’s demise are overexaggerated

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Tory meddling with the BBC is nothing new

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Keir Starmer is repeating the same mistakes as Jeremy Corbyn

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Where did New Zealand’s populists go?

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It’s time to end the coronavirus slogans and focus on the substance

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Opposition leaders need to be honest about Brexit reality

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Sensible Tory voters are now politically homeless

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Europe is no longer the key issue in politics that it was

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Michel Barnier has shown himself to be a man of principle – the opposite of Boris Johnson

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Don’t assume Lib Dem supporters will ever back Labour

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How Europe’s top clubs have parked the bus

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Ed Davey’s priority must now be to secure a pact with Labour

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The inconvenient truth that Priti Patel is ignoring

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The Lib Dems are currently missing in action

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Boris Johnson missed a trick in not giving peerage to Stanley

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Why Remainers must now wait, watch and prepare

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The price Boris Johnson will need to pay to keep Scotland

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Russia is drawing the EU closer together rather than tearing it apart

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Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal was a turkey, and we’re all getting stuffed

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Arron Banks shown-up as another hypocritical Brexiteer

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Shifty Tories are masking the truth on Brexit

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I can’t see Boris Johnson lasting beyond 2020

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