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Reader Letters

The community care route leads to economic illiteracy

Mismanagement and serious underfunding are at the top of the list when it comes to the NHS's problems. But the community care route is not the solution

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Let the rich pay more tax and NI to save the NHS

Making those who can afford it pay more is the logical first step to resolve the crisis at the heart of the NHS

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Don’t be taken in by the prime minister’s lies and distortions

We mustn't be fooled by Rishi Sunak's tactics of stating the obvious and distorting the truth

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Westwood and Rees-Mogg do not deserve this vilification

We have witnessed the rise of the clownocracy. But issues arise when ridicule replaces serious scrutiny

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Britain needs humility… as well as a new government

Rishi Sunak is leading a broken government blind to their errors

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‘What’s in it for us?’ is the wrong attitude to Europe

Can this British mercantile mentality ever be changed? Or perhaps the EU is simply better off without us

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Let’s start afresh with positive messages about Europe

Forget the rejoin label, we need to start again with our rhetoric

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Marginal gains will put rejoining centre stage

We must be realistic and patient when it comes to the campaign for rejoining the European Union

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Brexit has got rid of all our potential investors

Brexit sent the message that we have detached ourselves from economic reality. With that, investors' confidence evaporated

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Why seaside towns need another Jonny the Pole

Seaside towns like Skegness are yet to experience the 'merits' of Brexit and levelling up just isn't cutting it

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Brexit is like a tumour but the patient is in denial

Brexit has been a car crash. When will we have a leader brave enough to tell the truth about this?

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Let’s calm the markets by rejoining the single one

Rejoining the single market would begin to offer some stability to our troubling times

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Pickles and flying pigs: The farce of British politics

How much longer does the country have to suffer this catastrophe of a government?

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Send home the clowns running the country

Two more years of the Tories’ destructive misgovernment would be disastrous for the UK’s economy and credibility

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Dan Brown couldn’t have written a worse start, Liz

Liz Truss certainly had the shortest honeymoon period in British political history

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Taking the proverbial out of our trickle-down chancellor

Trickle-down economics is a big lie and always has been, argues one reader

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Would Europe really want the awkward squad back?

Brexit is a disaster. But, it may be a very long time before the EU is willing to take another chance on the UK, writes one reader

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Royalists and republicans both deserve to be heard

Our society needs a more measured approach, writes one reader

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The EU tributes for the Queen show a better way ahead

In dark times, it is genuinely heartening to see Europeans coming together. We have our differences, but we are, essentially, the same, writes one reader

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Solar farms aren’t the only way to beat climate crisis

There are better places to generate electricity than farmland, writes one reader

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We can’t afford another two years of these clowns

There has been more nuanced conversation on reality television than during the Tory leadership race, says one reader

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Lazy Johnson bows out by coasting at our expense

This lazy, entitled man is showing his true colours by swanning around during a national crisis, writes one reader

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Labour is playing it safe in the most dangerous times

Solutions to the current economic crisis will require the will of a strong leader. Is this part of Keir Starmer's mentality?

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Just how bad will PM Truss be? Let us count the ways…

Truss has been described as “a woman so dense that light bends around her”, shares one reader

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‘Truss’: a post used to hold up a rickety structure

The word also makes us think of 'trust'. Then we realise that 'Truss' has nothing to do with that at all, writes one reader

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Tory immigration policy is a new low in inhumanity

Both Tory leadership contenders clearly want to be tough on immigration to appease the many ultras in their party, writes one reader

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Don’t give Boris time to do yet more damage

For the good of the country, the Tories must seek Johnson’s immediate eviction from No 10, writes one reader

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It’s time Labour admitted Brexit has been a disaster

It is time to shout out the B-word and admit that Brexit isn’t working, says one reader

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The last thing the UK needs is another blurred visionary

After 12 years Tory mismanagement, the country needs someone who'll make tackling the vast inequalities a priority

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Is Germany’s €9 train pass an idea above its stations?

Is the €9 travel ticket having a positive impact or is it the worst thing that could've happened to Germany’s commuters?

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We can’t wait much longer for Labour’s Brexit plan

The time for sitting on the fence is over, Labour need to spell out a clear plan, argues one reader

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Even crooked Nixon was a better leader than Johnson

Nixon was a potentially great man brought down by Watergate. Johnson, on the other hand, hasn't got an ounce of greatness in him, argues one reader

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