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Reader Letters

Letter: Millions of decent young people deserve better than this

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Letter: ‘Will of the People’ wants Britain to stay in the Customs Union

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Letter: Goodbye and good riddance to UKIP

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Letter: I’m full of Bregret

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Letter: Government can’t even sort our train system, how can they be trusted on Brexit?

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Letter: English regions are being ignored in the Brexit debate

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Letters: It’s the return of the ‘nasty party’

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Letters: Labour are mugging us

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Letters: Amber Rudd’s redemption would be to save us from a Hard Brexit

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Letters: The House of Lords’ victory was poorly covered by the BBC

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Letter: It will take generations for us to recover from leaving the EU

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Letter: Stop treating us Brexiteers as Little Englanders

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Letters: Brexiteers are driving us at speed towards a cliff edge

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Letters: Staying in the Customs Union is a no-brainer

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Letter: Local elections are a last chance for EU nationals to send a message over Brexit

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Letter: Boris is so unsuited for holding public office

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Letter: Stop looking at the rear view mirror and focus on the cliff edge ahead

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Letter: Confusion and an administrative quagmire for EU citizens living in the UK

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Letter: Nightmares can be created despite the best of intentions

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Letter: A new centre party can succeed despite our electoral system

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Letter: As a long-standing Tory voter I’m appalled by the party’s direction

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Letter: Remain won’t win the argument if it doesn’t reshape the debate on immigration

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Letter: Council elections could be a last chance to halt Brexit

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Letter: Undemocratic? Not the EU!

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Letter: Time for a change of tactics?

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Letters: Oakeshott’s performance last weekend shows Leave are rattled

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Letters: Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘Owen’ Goal

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Letter: Don’t be fooled – Corbyn will never be a Remainer

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Letter: Dispelling the myths about our original membership of the European Community

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Letter: The Tories are putting party before country

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Letter: The parting words my MP sent as I left Britain for France due to Brexit

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Letters: Why does the BBC keep rolling out the ‘Dismissers’?

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