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Rats in a Sack

Ignore the old men, Observer hacks told

Outrageous sexism and ageism abounds in media news this week. And for once it’s not Gregg Wallace

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Rees-Mogg deliberately misses the point on migration

The soon-to-be reality TV star used a Question Time appearance to peddle some decidedly dodgy figures

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Another new job to stop Farage thinking about Clacton

The part-time MP has joined an anti-World Health Organization pressure group

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The Evening Standard’s editor takes one last trip

Dylan Jones, who hacks resented over his jaunts, has stepped down

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Scott Trust not yet sold on Observer deal

The Sunday paper’s controversial sale by Guardian Media Group to a loss-making startup may founder at boardroom level amid concern about failure to examine other options

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Shit List is fascism, claims GB News’ Grimes

The fashion degree drop-out turned rabble-rouser mocks our "pearl-clutching" - then compares the annual list to the violent political creed

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TV’s Ed Balls hides his lights under a bushel

The Good Morning Britain presenter is the star attraction at a Christmas switch-on but there's something missing from his CV

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Smoking fan Farage picks TV gig over Commons vote on smoking ban

The Clacton MP didn’t turn up for the second reading of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, appearing on GB News instead

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Why is Julia Hartley-Brewer so grumpy? Is it her Rajar figures?

The right-wing broadcaster has taken umbrage at her inclusion on the New European's Shit List

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Harry Cole chases the American dream

The Sun's political editor is eager for a transatlantic transfer now his Tory contacts are out of power

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Observer ire turns on Kath Viner

Calls for “regime-change” from within Guardian Media Group over newspaper sale

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The general election petition exposes Farage’s hypocrisy

The man who said the People’s Vote was a betrayal now wants another UK-wide poll, four months after the last one

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Time runs out for the editor of The New Statesman

Confirmed: Britain's longest serving current affairs mag boss steps down

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Reform’s new signing from Newcastle sees things in black and white

Sir John Hall comes with a history of dodgy comments about race and being "a stranger in my own land"

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Coming to a screen near you: Jacob Rees-Mogg’s boxer shorts

The trailer for the former cabinet minister's TV series is here and it's not good

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The chutzpah of Farage, the fake farmers’ friend

The Reform leader is marching for farmers but it's his Brexit which has caused them most harm

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Will the Guardian strike save or kill the Observer?

Staff have staged an impressive show of unity that may backfire on a paper that is regarded as an unwanted stepchild

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Farage swaps Clacton for criminals

The Reform leader is once again skipping his constituency work to mix with some unsavoury characters in the USA

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Allison Pearson and a series of terrible misjudgments

How one tweet and two mistakes saw the right wing columnist get a knock on the door from the police

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Elon Musk takes a tip from the Cummings playbook

Donald Trump's new hire appears to have learned a trick from Boris Johnson's former consigliere

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Staines removal

The founding editor of the Guido Fawkes gossip blog is stepping down. From now on, the anti-elite website will be run by a member of the House of Lords

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Mail makes Archbishop’s fall all about Meghan

Justin Welby has resigned - but for the Daily Mail it's actually a story about Harry and Meghan

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The rest is hypocrisy from Tory Tim

An attack on Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart for political bias comes from an unlikely source

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Pod partners clash over Harris’s vote count

The News Agents stars disagree about how badly the Democrat candidate flopped

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‘Objective’ GB News plots Trump interview

The channel hopes to land an exclusive with the president-elect after being ‘cock-a-hoop’ about his win

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Reform use Remembrance Day to score political points

The party questioned why Nigel Farage wasn't allowed to lay a wreath, despite there being a perfectly good reason

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Exactly how close is Nigel Farage to the court of Donald Trump?

The Reform leader is boasting of his links to the president elect. Yet curiously no photographs yet exist

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Hypocrite Farage is back in the US of A

The Reform leader is out campaigning for Donald Trump after lambasting Labour staffers for doing similar for Kamala Harris

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Kemi Badenoch and the mysterious childhood memories

The new Conservative leader appears to recall growing up in a very different Nigeria to the one which existed

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Why did Radio 4’s Today let a Trump backer lie continually without challenge?

Justin Webb allowed Matt Schlapp to toss out a series of obvious untruths involving Elon Musk, Hillary Clinton and the January 6 riots

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Liz Truss Day comes around earlier each year

The short-lived former PM has once again popped up in Budget week to offer her wise counsel

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More questions for the Guardian over Observer ‘carve-up’

Staff at the title are infuriated at how a proposed sale to Tortoise seems to have come about

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