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Rats in a Sack

Dubai Dicky gets a mauling from Julia Hartley-Brewer

Reform's deputy leader presumably expected an easy ride being interviewed by the right wing hack - but was left looking foolish

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Is Lee Anderson shaming quiet man Farage?

The Reform MP sought to mock his neighbours' lack of Commons contributions, but only highlighted how little his leader has done

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Farage’s screeching u-turn on Ukraine

In backing Nato membership for the war-torn country, the Reform leader is upsetting his allies and alienating supporters

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Brutally policed, heading for dictatorship… but at least Georgia has cheap wine, says Independent

As the country heads towards a Russian-style autocracy, the website is pushing it as an 'undiscovered gastronomic haven of £2 wine'

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Viner seeks splendid isolation at the Guardian

The paper’s editor is set for a global role – taking her further away from dealing with the newsroom and its fractious union

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The very inquisitive Rupert Lowe

The Reform MP has tabled a staggering 816 written questions to ministers since being elected an MP. How much is it costing the taxpayer?

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GB News host hoodwinked by ‘vile’ made-up drug

Darren Grimes warned his followers about a ‘disturbing new drug trend’ – which turned out to be a hoax

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A Lidl bit of politics

Three Reform councillors were 'honoured' to have officially opened a new supermarket - except, er, they didn't

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Anti-Brexit Clarkson embarrasses the Sun

The columnist has launched another attack on those who still back Brexit – which includes his own employer

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Fawning Farage interview is just Standard for London’s struggling paper

The capital's once evening title continues its journey rightwards with an ingratiating interview with the Reform leader

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Part-time Farage rakes in another £80k from side jobs

The Reform leader continues to make a fortune from interests which have nothing to do with serving his constituents in Clacton

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Camilla Tominey’s unsisterly farewell to Kay Burley

The GB News presenter has launched an astonishingly catty attack on her retiring Sky rival

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Migrants not learning the local language? No problem, says GB News

The right-wing channel is urging those wanting a better life to move to another country - and learning the local lingo isn't necessary

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Andrea Jenkyns and the mysteriously deleted posts

The Reform electoral candidate and net zero opponent has been busy erasing all evidence of her previous support for solar power

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Trump, the Telegraph and some unique hypocrisy

The paper attacked the BBC over its coverage of the US president – only to follow suit itself

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Matt Le Tissier comes out as a supporter of Big Farmer

The mercurial midfielder-turned ranting conspiracy theorist has now weighed in on inheritance tax changes

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Calvin the cleric booted out of his church

Former GB News presenter Calvin Robinson has lost his priest’s licence after giving a suspiciously familiar salute on stage

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Dubai Dick mocked over ‘brain drain’ claim

The Reform deputy leader frets that "many smart people" are leaving the country. Whoever is he thinking of?

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Lord Sugar: Brexit is a disaster

As the Apprentice star calls for Britain to rejoin the EU, will the Brexiteers now demand he is banished from the Beeb?

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Machiavellian Mandelson throws hack under the bus

Our new man in Washington sought to blame a well-liked journalist for past comments about President Trump

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Slipshod Rees-Mogg left with egg on his face

The former cabinet minister is a stickler for using correct English - except when it comes to his own social media posts

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Are Frost and Hannan hellbent on going back into the EU?

While senior Tories erupt over Britain possibly joining a free-trade scheme, two hardline Brexiteers are remarkably sanguine

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What has Isabel Oakeshott got against free speech?

The journalist's solicitors have sent legal papers to a pundit over a social media video

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Meet Reform’s exciting new face… Paul Nuttall

The former Ukip leader is back in politics as Reform's director for the north-west of England

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Dodgy figures at the Daily Telegraph

The paper claimed one in 12 people in London was an illegal immigrant. Predictably, it was nonsense

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The Daily Express’s woman problem

A columnist for the Tory tabloid attacks the BBC for its treatment of female staff - then argues Rachel Reeves and Angela Rayner are not glamorous enough for government

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GB News shows its laughable Reform bias

News stories on the channel’s website seem to overstate the far right party’s appeal

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The Telegraph is being hypocritical – and it’s predictable to watch

A columnist at the paper has attacked “not-very-bright people” landing “well-paid sinecures”. So what's her CV like?

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Allison Pearson and Carole Malone aren’t traitors… just hypocrites

The right wing columnists want to see “the Trump administration humiliate our government”

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Under-fire Will Lewis faces an uncomfortable few weeks

As hacking claims finally reach court, the Washington Post's newsroom spies an opportunity to rid themselves of their unloved publisher

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Farage’s bitter whine about that inauguration snub

The Reform leader attacked Boris Johnson, who did make it into the Rotunda

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Telegraph man’s love letter to Priti Patel

Gordon Rayner's interview with the shadow foreign secretary was peculiarly fawning

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