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Peter Trudgill

PETER TRUDGILL: A not so brief history of time

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Locating the UK’s language barriers

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How language has affected your childhood favourite nursery rhymes

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The lost language of the Canary Islands

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PETER TRUDGILL: The riddle of the foxglove

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PETER TRUDGILL: Very valuable varying vowels

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PETER TRUDGILL: Disasters are all Greek to us

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The story behind the Norn language

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PETER TRUDGILL: A macabre word to like

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The story behind some of the Premier League’s biggest names

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PETER TRUDGILL: Wales’s very own little England

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Short-Termism: How our words shrink over time

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Is there a question mark over the apostrophe’s future?

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PETER TRUDGILL: Ancient patterns of languages that defy logic

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The lingering links of Latin

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PETER TRUDGILL: The birthplace of a language

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PETER TRUDGILL: Dying echoes of Marathon

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What’s in a name?

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PETER TRUDGILL: History behind a trieste toast

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PETER TRUDGILL: Between us, I’ve had enough of language ‘experts’

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Racist roots of the word anti-semitism

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PETER TRUDGILL: How ‘correct’ pronouns has sent language in a peculiar direction

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How the Minch was pinched

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Has cheap had its chips?

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How driving and metric can be traced back to Europe’s despots

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He Right – There’s no correct way of speaking English

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PETER TRUDGILL: Just say cheese to get a taste of how languages differ

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Why a good burgundy comes from further north than you might think

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A pithy history of the word orange

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Peter Trudgill: Eureka moment in study of language

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Peter Trudgill on greetings and eatings throughout Europe

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From denim to tweed, the fabrics named after places

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