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Peter Trudgill

Peter Trudgill: Where did ‘English’ come from?

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An ‘istory of dropped aitches

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Paraguay bucks the sombre colonial trend of language loss

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Tearing up the rule on split infinitives

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Proto op for ancient tongue

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The language that is a perfect blend of two others

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Number five-and-twenty: A fading linguistic practice

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The many languages of classical music

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Uncommon Language: How the Welsh and English language differ

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What’s in a place name?

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How words disappear, or go into hiding

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The surnames which seem to indicate nationality

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Does any language actually make sense?

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The complex history of language and religion in southeastern Europe

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PETER TRUDGILL: The colourful code for names

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The footballing convention that Jose Mourinho often ignores

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How ‘have’ didn’t hold: The bizarre history of a common word

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Go forth and diversify – how a rural Ireland dialect still lasts after centuries

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Modern Greek’s Island story – how the Greek language grew

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How relationships differentiate from one language to another

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The talk of the Baltic

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What’s behind Britain’s most common surnames?

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When a metaphor is a bit mundane

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Diego Maradona: From foul play to word play

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How languages develop their vocabularies

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Faux-pas? Language’s relationship to the negative

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The Alpine People’s Vote

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‘Broad’ and ‘wide’ – a linguistic mystery

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How Sam Smith’s gender neutrality causes challenges for language

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Why short is almost always sweet when it comes to language

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Absorbing Sorbian: The story of Germany’s Slavic speaking communities

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What happened to Britain’s four ancient languages?

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