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Peter Trudgill

The Swiss secret that could keep Britain together

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Aussie accents on the march

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The vocabulary of the Vikings

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The Welsh that went around the world

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The words that went their own ways

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How the English language slipped up when it came to spaghetti

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The watery connection linking Johann Sebastian Bach and Rupert Brooke

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The arrival of English in Australia… and how long after the accent appeared

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Why neither noel nor yule took off in Britain

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What’s a wassail?

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Ignorance about language leaves me lost for words

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Ignorance about language leaves me lost for words

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The rhyming links behind many common surnames

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How everything became ‘okey dokey’

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How the English could get let behind in the global race

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Antarctica, the continent with no language

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Armenia’s linguistic ancestry – and its links to Europe

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How to put a place to a name

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A fishy tale of long lost sounds

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Europe’s influence on how we report the weather

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The European twists on English surnames

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The Americanisation of our education institutions

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A hat-trick for Pakistan

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How a 16-year-old became a language lynchpin

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How young children learn their native language

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PETER TRUDGILL: Where does ‘banter’ come from?

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Peculiar plurals – the words which break the rules

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How the Native American’s influenced the English language

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Bawdiness of the Bard – The possibly rude origin of Shakespeare’s surname

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Portmanteaus deconstructed: a guide to blended words

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How being ‘quite wrong’ can have a different meaning to Americans

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A brief history of Irish colonialism

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