Paul Mason
01 September 2022
A new prime minister should woo the EU, stop defence cuts and set Assange free

Liz Truss at least has the chance to show our allies and enemies that they can expect seriousness in security, defence and diplomacy. But don't hold you breath
Read the full article24 August 2022
In an energy crisis, why does Truss want to turn off the sun?

Sadly, Truss's delusional attitude means the Tory government is likely to stand in the way of the change needed to make renewables work
Read the full article18 August 2022
That burning smell is the deadly cost of cutting the ‘green crap’

The Tories are obsessed with reneging the carbon target and fracking their way to oblivion. It's a mystery to experts
Read the full article09 August 2022
My 6-point plan to avert catastrophe

Unfortunately, it's unlikely that Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak will heed it
Read the full article04 August 2022
A new age of protest is coming

The summer of discontent is likely to be long and hot. Soon, a new generation of politicians will learn there are more serious problems than a pay claim by the railway unions
Read the full article27 July 2022
We are letting Putin get away with torture.. and we’ll be next to suffer

The torture and destruction of Ukraine is just a practice run for the same routine to be used against Europe
Read the full article14 July 2022
Preventing war means more tax, not less

To prevent all-out war in Europe we have to be prepared to spend money on defence. Even if this means higher taxes and higher borrowing
Read the full article07 July 2022
The ultra right are turning our world into the last days of Cabaret

We are living in a world where we expect the worst and prepare to resist
Read the full article29 June 2022
Only a progressive alliance can rid us of these morally bankrupt liars

A progressive alliance that decides to win together rather than being destroyed separately could, finally, evict Boris Johnson from Downing Street
Read the full article22 June 2022
Where’s the vision, Keir?

Starmer’s Labour is walking around with blurred vision. The party is in desperate need of a mission statement
Read the full article14 June 2022
Fixing the sickness in our economy starts with backing these strikes

The strikes are the only way to redress the fundamental sickness facing the economy. It’s essential to get behind them
Read the full article09 June 2022
The evidence could not be clearer: Brexit has downgraded Britain

Thanks to Brexit, sterling is becoming a risky bet for some investors
Read the full article01 June 2022
The state needs to take charge of the climate catastrophe we’re facing

Instead, the conservative government’s panicked U-turn on the windfall tax does the opposite
Read the full article26 May 2022
Working out the impact of a world without work

If we harness the productive power of new technology and increase people’s skills across the board our relationship with work could be very different
Read the full article18 May 2022
The Great Replacement Theory is a crude, racist lie… and it’s winning

Its misguided logic underpins the ideas of far right movements. Now, it’s started to influence the fringes of conservativism as well
Read the full article09 May 2022
The union will pay the price of Tory Britain’s failure to understand Ireland

If Sinn Fein can reach across the old divides, victory in a border poll could be within its grasp
Read the full article05 May 2022
The armaments argument is a battle for the soul of Europe

Ukraine's fight is about more than international law and national self-determination, it's about what sort of world we want to live in
Read the full article28 April 2022
Russia must be defeated so it can rebuild without Putin

The Russian people need a new national story of democracy - one which they write themselves
Read the full article21 April 2022
Ukraine has smashed the global economy… and there’s no going back

This is not only another cold war, it's a profound fragmentation of the global economy with little chance of a return to normal
Read the full article01 April 2022
P&O is Brexit in action – ripping up rights in a race to the bottom

This scandal could only happen in a country where unions are weak and the government is prepared to look the other way
Read the full article30 March 2022
What divided Britain can learn from Ukraine’s positive patriotism

Ukrainians are telling a coherent story about who they want to be. Britain should pay attention
Read the full article24 March 2022
The madman and the mercenaries: Why foreign troops fight for Putin

Putin is rallying both Russians and foreign auxiliaries to a cause under one message - might is right
Read the full article17 March 2022
Putin has only one card left

And, the West cannot risk letting the Russian dictator playing it
Read the full article10 March 2022
Britain needs new Alan Turings to help win the war of innovation

As the West enters a period where any weakness will be weaponised, Britain needs innovation now more than ever
Read the full article03 March 2022
Our liberal dream is over

While Putin's invasion challenges not only Ukraine's democracy but our own democratic system, we have found ourselves in a war between truth and lies
Read the full article22 February 2022
The West can’t win against Putin and Xi unless we renew ourselves

In order to defend the best of Western tradition, we have to redefine it
Read the full article17 February 2022
Let’s build a modern military that looks like modern Britain

An expanded reserve force, rooted in the diverse communities of Britain, is something that politicians should seriously consider
Read the full article10 February 2022
The market cannot control energy prices, we must control energy

A perfect storm is upon us. Either society must start to control the energy market, or the energy market will control society
Read the full article03 February 2022
Our Divided Kingdom may never be able to come back together

In 2016, Britain entered an acute phase of polarisation with the Brexit referendum. Today, we are still a long way from reconciling those differences.
Read the full article26 January 2022
The trial of Boris Johnson: A fantasy of justice in the UK

It is an impossible satire that Boris Johnson could be put on trial. But, if we had an independent authority, beholden to parliament not Downing Street, we wouldn't need one, writes PAUL MASON.
Read the full article18 January 2022
War in Ukraine would be a war like no other… the West must act now

A war between Russia and Ukraine is a prospect to be avoided at all costs. If it is not, then the human, social and economic impacts across Europe will be devastating.
Read the full article11 January 2022
An elite that thinks it’s above the law is in for a rude awakening

There is a conflict of interest epidemic plaguing the government. And it starts at the top.
Read the full article