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Paul Mason

Our Divided Kingdom may never be able to come back together

In 2016, Britain entered an acute phase of polarisation with the Brexit referendum. Today, we are still a long way from reconciling those differences.

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The trial of Boris Johnson: A fantasy of justice in the UK

It is an impossible satire that Boris Johnson could be put on trial. But, if we had an independent authority, beholden to parliament not Downing Street, we wouldn't need one, writes PAUL MASON.

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War in Ukraine would be a war like no other… the West must act now

A war between Russia and Ukraine is a prospect to be avoided at all costs. If it is not, then the human, social and economic impacts across Europe will be devastating.

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An elite that thinks it’s above the law is in for a rude awakening

There is a conflict of interest epidemic plaguing the government. And it starts at the top.

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The collapse of American democracy is the greatest threat of our times

The storming of Capitol Hill a year ago has changed how the rest of the century will pan out. Make no mistake, it was an insurrection.

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Paul Mason: Fascism in Europe is on the rise… here’s how to fight it

The threat from 21st century fascism is not of a modern day March on Rome or a beerhall putsch. It's far more insidious. By PAUL MASON, the broadcaster and author of a new book on the subject

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