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Paul Mason

We’ve no chance of becoming the new Silicon Valley and the Tories know it

Britain needs innovation. For that to happen, people need to believe it is a country with a future, not just a past

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Liz Truss was wrong about everything… except the irresponsible OBR

If the OBR were obliged to model a range of outcomes it would be far more constructive and could, finally, hand political responsibility back to the politicians

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The vindictive ecstasy of Suella Braverman’s theatre of cruelty

The Tories are playing to an audience of voters who despise refugees

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The question of our age: How do we deter and democratise China?

Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia makes clear: China is now only prepared to live with the west on its own terms

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What Gary Lineker has taught us about the art of taking a stand

When one person draws a line, the strength of resistance is tested

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I’m with Gary: This IS the kind of thing they did in 1930s Germany

The ‘activist blob’ email should set our alarm bells ringing – it’s an attempt to politicise the state

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If the Tories are crushed, they’ll be replaced by something even worse

A total Tory collapse is bad for us all

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China’s admission of failure

Xi and Putin thought they could shatter the post-1945 world. They were wrong

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Whoever follows Nicola Sturgeon will fail too – until they prove the financial case for independence

The SNP needs an evidence-based story about how Scotland would avoid austerity or worse

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Get ready for conflict, chaos and instability

It's time to prepare for the new world order and the stark implications of its arrival

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Labour’s planning reforms could seal the deal for British business

The numbers speak for themselves. If it happens it will be revolutionary for British business

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Rishi Sunak reckons he can taunt Labour on the Welsh NHS. He’s wrong again

Sunak should take a look at the polls before berating Wales again

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Transform the NHS into an engine for the redistribution of wellbeing

When it comes to the NHS, it's time to start thinking about the future

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The West must keep its resolve on Ukraine – sending tanks is a start

The UK sending 14 Challenger 2s gives the clear message that the West is starting to believe in Russia's defeat

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We can’t ‘take back control’ without controlling market forces first

Keir Starmer is right if he thinks the localised control agenda is a powerful weapon for Labour. But, if he thinks it's easily delivered, he's wrong

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Forget Johnson’s fantasies and forge a new strategy for defence

But above all, we need politicians to be prepared to explain to the public that defence is important and is not just for diplomats and think-tanks

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Russia and China believe we are doomed: can we prove them wrong?

This is achievable. However, it will take an effort which seems alien to those in public life

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This isn’t Big Bang 2.0. It’s a spivs’ charter necessitated by Brexit

Brexit was always going to be a recipe for the long-term decline of London as a financial centre Any ideas that suggested otherwise were ludicrous

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Sticking to the 2% inflation target risks making this recession worse

Faced with the first episode of stagflation since the 1970s, it's now time to rethink

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We must learn to live with high migration

There is no doubt that in order to save British business we need to learn to live with high migration. The only question is how

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The sick man of Europe

Britain has collapsed under Brexit. Now, the Tories must pay for this crisis with a generation out of power

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The ‘fiscal black hole’ is a lie

It's a falsehood being peddled by the government at its own peril

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Never has this been more true than in today’s military: innovate or die

Today's militaries need a completely different skill set in order to secure a future

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Rishi Sunak’s career in exploitative finance makes him unfit to be prime minister

Rishi Sunak's role as master of PR and the art of being super-rich makes him poorly suited for public life

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Can Starmer calm the markets enough to fulfil Labour’s plan?

The Labour leader needs to work out what his offer to business is

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Three prime ministers have failed to make Brexit work. Why keep trying?

Only the reversal of Brexit can start to fix the state three prime ministers have left the country in

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Musk, Cummings, Trump: Three stooges for Putin’s aggression

Elon Musk’s 'peace plan poll' would trample Ukraine’s right to defend its own people from Vladimir Putin’s onslaught

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In the fight for Ukraine, the West has a powerful weapon: time

Putin's aggression is not just aimed at Ukrainians, it's aimed at the West too. But, time is on our side

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Is Vladimir Putin bluffing?

We need to tell Putin that if he uses nukes, the West will destroy Russia's military in Ukraine

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The lesson we must learn from the far right’s success in Sweden

The only way to defeat them is for the left to link arms with the centre

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Let’s rebuild our relationship with the royals to create a fairer Britain

It’s time to formalise Britain’s “monarchic republic”

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Labour is close to a 20-point lead. Will it be enough?

Keir Starmer's performance during this coming winter of discontent will decide whether he becomes prime minister in the future

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