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Paul Mason

Harris can beat Trump by learning from Starmer

Harris must learn how to construct a voter coalition in the places that matter through actions, not words

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Covid lessons and the sickness in our system

If the British state is to meet the crises to come, urgent restructuring is required

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A PM in a hurry with a power shift as the prize

Starmer’s first steps prove to voters that he intends to use the power he’s been handed

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Tackle migration or face yet more fragmentation

Starmer now has a fight on his hands to keep down a new crop of extreme right and left wing MPs

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Starmer’s Labour can win back the working class

Starmer looks poised for victory because those around him understand that Labour is the product of the working class

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Starmerism: a clear-eyed and detail-driven quiet revolution

If the new prime minister gets it right, something better than Blairism is in prospect

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The price of a Russian win is too high to pay

A Russian victory over Ukraine would provide proof of the concept that ‘might is right’

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Could Starmer lead Europe’s defence?

One of Keir Starmer’s first challenges as prime minister will be to navigate the fragmenting world order

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How to grow an economy

A Labour government will have to learn to allow rising demand and investment to happen

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The West cannot negotiate with Putin

His ‘offer’ should be understood for what it is: an invitation to the west to sign its own death warrant

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We can’t let Putin dictate the pace in Ukraine

Those who want to see Ukraine win, and not be destroyed, have a right to ask our politicians to get serious

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Xi Jinping’s divide and rule tour of Europe

With China's economy in trouble, Xi has taken to wooing Europe

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Free-market capitalism made us sick. Now Labour must prioritise wellbeing

Labour should scrap the Tories’ assault on PIP from day one, ending the victimisation of the long-term sick

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Labour has a golden opportunity to resolve the migration issue

In doing so, the party must prepare for the inevitable backlash from the far right fringes

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Europe needs its own Iron Dome to stop Putin. But saying so is the easy bit

In the age of the drone and the ballistic missile, national security does not come cheap

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Big, effective, socially just: A rent revolution could be Labour’s big idea

With political willpower, 2025 could see London become the test bed for a new generation of rent control powers

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Enough is enough. The case for suspending arms sales to Israel is clear

Netanyahu must be replaced by a leader prepared to end Israel’s incompetence and recklessness

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Why I won’t stop talking about left wing antisemitism

Like it or not, this will be a theme in the upcoming general election – we are living through a defining moment for the left

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The next global crisis is here. Debt for the poorest means blowback for us all

The elites of the global south have become remarkably disunited when faced with the prospect of their own bankruptcy

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Europe needs to reform to stop the right. Is von der Leyen tough enough to do it?

Her plan will only work if she can deliver growth, clean energy and rising wages

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Netanyahu has squandered the world’s sympathy. All that remains is chaos

Decades of untrammelled military power have rendered Israel’s political elite incapable of strategic thinking

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If Trump wins, Starmer must be ready to lead not just Britain but Nato too

If Trump walks away from Nato, it will realistically be Starmer who decides what’s next for Britain

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Ukraine, two years on. The war Europe must win

On the second anniversary of Putin’s invasion, the time for talk is over. If Ukraine is defeated, an entire continent will be next

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Putin’s useful idiot only served one purpose: promoting fascism

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin did nothing but inflate the dictator’s ego and advertise his own version of history

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The worst of the Tory-created council cash crisis is yet to come

Easy to criticise and burden with blame, local government is the perfect scapegoat for the Tories

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An economy in crisis. A leadership in denial. The great fall of China is here

Soon, China’s politics will give way to economics and its debt crisis will inevitably entail pain for consumers

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A new Corbyn party on the left is good news for the right

Jeremy Corbyn is thought to be mulling the launch of a new left wing party

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We’re trying to be a global military power on the cheap… and it shows

If the UK wants to remain a top-tier military power, we need to pay the price

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We can’t go on like this. It must be a spring election

Our democracy deserves better than the games Rishi Sunak is playing

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The west has 10 months to save Ukraine

Populists in Europe and the US are running on a platform of defunding Zelensky. That brings a Russian victory closer than ever

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As Gaza’s tragedy threatens to spread, the ceasefire drumbeat must get louder

The route to a ceasefire in Gaza lies not through rhetorical demands, but through diplomatic pressure

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Whatever Orbán and the Republicans throw in its path, Ukraine has to win

The west must understand that when it comes to Putin, there are only binary outcomes

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