Paul Connew
27 October 2017
Squaring up to a hero’s widow will be Trump’s most damaging war yet
Read the full article02 October 2017
Paul Connew: Diversion cannot prevent Trump’s day of reckoning
Read the full article21 September 2017
Donald Trump’s 2020 masterplan to take on both Democrats and Republicans
Read the full article12 September 2017
Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un are playing a very dangerous game of nuclear poker

21 August 2017
The direct line between Trump campaign and Charlottesville horror

10 August 2017
Mad Dog and John Kelly: The best hope to stop Trump’s Korea suicide

28 June 2017
Troubles mount for Trump in the political madness and uncertainty stakes

13 June 2017
Who the hell thought May’s career would crash and burn before Trump’s?

13 April 2017
Syria: How the agendas of three presidents are being played out in one warzone

05 April 2017
The Sociopath: Here’s how Trump’s The Art of the Deal should be rewritten

03 February 2017
Trump state visit: Are we set to see biggest protests since Iraq war?

30 December 2016
The fight for truth in the age of Putin, Trump, Le Pen and Farage