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Nigel Warburton

Everyday Philosophy: Why corporal punishment must be banned

Modelling physical violence as a way of controlling other people is bad in itself, but emotional damage for victims can be long-lasting and debilitating, too

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Everyday Philosophy: John Cage and the sound of silence

A collective called the 1000 Artists have followed in the composer’s footsteps by releasing a silent protest album

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How we fuel our philosophers

From Voltaire to Kant, the world would be a duller place without the discipline’s coffee-fuelled breakthroughs

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Why does mobile theft feel so personal?

For philosophers Andy Clark and David Chalmers, phone crime is ‘more akin to assault’

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Trump’s bullying tactics

Eventually, when a bully has got out of control and he’s made enough enemies, he may find the roles of bully and bullied reversed

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Don Cupitt, the priest who didn’t believe in God

Despite once being a practising clergyman, the late Cupitt was noted for his radical ideas on ‘non-realist’ philosophy of religion

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What would George Orwell think of Facebook?

On the 75th anniversary of the author’s death, some of his most famous words read as a warning

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How to survive a near death experience

These experiences, however, are far from conclusive evidence of life after death

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Do humans need to hibernate?

The Oxford-based sleep scientist Vladyslav Vyazovskiy believes so, but it would just make life blander

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The poisonous message behind capital punishment

How could anyone believe that it is right to murder someone else to make a political point?

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How to enjoy your Christmas dinner

For anyone who cares about animal suffering, it should be a no-brainer that eating intensively farmed turkey is unethical

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How to stop brain rot

Oxford University Press’s word of the year suggests social media has become a drug-like distraction from the world

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Has Notre Dame lost too much?

The success of Notre Dame's comeback depends on whether we view it as an architectural gem or a functional religious building

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James Beattie and his timeless cello

The forgotten Scottish philosopher’s legacy resurfaced last week when his historic cello was played for the first time in 220 years

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How to believe in politics

It is time to dispel disbelief and face the grim reality that is unfolding

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Ayn Rand's part in Donald Trump's victory

If Trump sees himself as a Randian hero, expect nothing but indifferent self-interest for the next four years

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Everyday Philosophy: The Peter Singer chatbot

The philosoper’s ethical legacy lives on in the form of a bot – but its hectoring, evangelical tone means it is far from convincing

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Can you stop the flow of time?

According to Henri Bergson, everything is flux and that's difficult to capture in words

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Plato's warning to American democracy

Even if the US doesn’t slide towards tyranny on November 5, almost half the electorate are going to end up disgruntled

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Melania Trump and the right to choose

Is her forthcoming memoir’s defence of abortion an indication that Republicans won’t be so hardline on this issue if elected?

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Tradition shouldn't outweigh animal cruelty

Arguments for trail hunting merely come from wishful thinking motivated by a romanticised view of country life

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For philosophers, everyone's a critic

Some thinkers treat critical thinking as a martial art, wanting to win the argument at any cost

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Michel de Montaigne, Donald Trump and the problem of cats

Cats, Montaigne would've been relieved to know, are not on the menu in Springfield

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We can't avoid autumn

If you’re lucky, it can be the most beautiful season of all

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The philosophy behind Starmer's smoking ban

Many of us are hoping the prime minister's policy doesn't stray from pragmatic to heavy-handed

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On Alain Delon's dog

In somewhat grandiose fashion, the film star imagined his dog Loubo couldn’t continue to flourish in a world that no longer included him

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Everyday philosophy: Could Elon Musk learn from Stonehenge?

In 5,000 years’ time, will people marvel at the accomplishments achieved today?

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Can we solve the problem of evil?

Is free will worth the price of unspeakable acts of violence?

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Do chatbots deserve moral rights?

The time may come where they’re viewed as fellow workers, treated with respect and consideration

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Here comes a paradigm shift

American philosopher Thomas Kuhn's controversial thinking turned normal science on its head

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How to know when to step down

The disappointing reality is that the American people won’t vote Joe Biden back into office – not being Trump won’t be enough

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Who is the father of modern conservatism?

If the remnants of the Conservative Party are searching for inspiration, they should not look to Edmund Burke

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