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Mitch Benn

MITCH BENN: Johnson isn’t limited to two terms, there’s no time to relax

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MITCH BENN: It’s time for Remainers to reclaim the union flag from the Brexiteers

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MITCH BENN: What the navy teaches us about hanging on to traditions

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MITCH BENN: After forty years of lies about Europe it’s time to stop

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MITCH BENN: Twisted logic traps Labour

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MITCH BENN: How reason and balance depend on what side of the fence you sit

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MITCH BENN: Brexit is no Tory sob story

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Tory leadership contest: A good moment to draw a line

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MITCH BENN: What Blake’s 7 taught me about politics

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MITCH BENN: Farage is the emperor without new clothes

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MITCH BENN: Game of Thrones – The ending for our story is not written yet

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MITCH BENN: My political lessons learned from 25 years as a comedian

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MITCH BENN: Nigel Farage brings nothing new to the party

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Not being the Tories is no longer enough for Labour

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MITCH BENN: We need to welcome Brexiteers over to our side as new found allies

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MITCH BENN: Conservatives take a dim view of their supporters

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MITCH BENN: Our movement is out, proud and in full voice

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MITCH BENN: Careless talk costs lives

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MITCH BENN: Perils of the politics of the self-righteous

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MITCH BENN: Time to end the B’stardisation of British politics

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MITCH BENN: We must let Britain’s new political party come to us

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MITCH BENN: Uncomfortably numb

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MITCH BENN: We’re winning… by hundreds to one

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MITCH BENN: Please..just don’t mention the war!

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MITCH BENN: Two months to go and two straight choices

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We are doomed to live in the age of the angry Brexiteer

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MITCH BENN: The unthinkable is not impossible

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MITCH BENN: The real 2019 is weirder than sci-fi’s vision

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The Grinch Who Tried To Steal Brexit – an exclusive story by MITCH BENN

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A long wait for our next appointment with the Doctor

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MITCH BENN: The war on Christmas and a war on logic

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MITCH BENN: My song for Bill

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