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Mitch Benn

Be wary of the lessons of 2016 before celebrating 2021

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Sing along with Mitch Benn’s Christmas 2020 songbook

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The familiar rhythms of modern Christmas

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Why I’m dreaming of next Christmas

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The seductive dangers of nostalgia

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Why I hope Joe Biden will make politics ‘boring’ again

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Why I’d be just as bad as Boris Johnson running the country

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Altruism Trumps cynicism in the US election

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The spectacle of Donald Trump is getting old – even for his supporters

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Britain’s ‘world-beating’ creative industry is worth fighting for

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Donald Trump’s coronavirus case was ancient Greek stuff

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Let’s play conservatives at their own game

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It’s time to make all votes count

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Only self-service counts for Trump

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Why game show hosts should be banned from high office

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The best classic television shows to stream

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MITCH BENN: Long road back for Labour’s left

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Esther McVey and the Tories’ new normal that’s deeply odd

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Why Boris Johnson’s obesity purge is a bullies’ charter

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The pitfalls of hiring yes-men in government

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Donald Trump has been exposed by his psychologist niece’s memoir

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MITCH BENN: How lockdown has wreaked havoc with our sense of time

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The virus is not over just because it is not trending anymore

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What happens when the Right lose the argument

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How our government was replaced by a PR agency

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History won’t be erased by a sunken statue

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Could Donald Trump delay the election to save himself?

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Classic Dom: The man who doesn’t do sorry

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Anti-lockdown ‘5G Truthers’ – dangerous or some light relief in humourless times?

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MITCH BENN: The shared partisan tendencies of the UK and US

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We must fight the powerful to ensure coronavirus lessons are learned

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The personal bereavement which lays bare the tragedy of coronavirus

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