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Mitch Benn

Nursing grievances over Zahawi’s weird strike rant

The “message to Putin” idea merely made Zahawi look in need of close nursing assistance himself

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What could the big hitter of Twitter shatter next?

After all, once he’s free of Twitter he’ll be looking for something else to do

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Forget Qatar: Let’s stage the next World Cup on Mars

Holding the tournament in the red planet’s temperate deserts would be more hospitable and less oppressive for fans

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A stinging endorsement of Hancock’s half-hour of fame

In an attempt to save his image, what other shows could the former health secretary make all about him?

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The new targets for Leaky Sue’s crown persecution service

Who will Suella Braverman go after next in her attempt to out-bigot the bigots?

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Blame Brexit? Heavens no, it’s the fault in our stars…

Why is Britain in such a mess? It’s written in the stars of course…

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You only lie twice? Never say never again…

The name’s Johnson, Boris Johnson. Licenced to kill propriety, decency and sincerity...

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Backseat driver Hunt puts the Age of Truss in reverse

Jeremy Hunt has taken the wheel of Liz Truss’s clown car

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What else could we call the Anti-Growth Coalition?

A few alternative terms for the ‘enemies of the people’, AKA everyone except Liz Truss…

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Can’t pay? Just earn more, says Tories’ scary Berry

If you can’t afford to turn on the heating this winter, Jake Berry has a simple solution – make sure you can afford to

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Think the budget was bad? Look what Kwasi left out…

What better way to fund the ailing NHS than open it up to commercial sponsorship? Comedian MITCH BENN suggests some policies we should be glad the chancellor left out of his mini budget

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The ballad of the queue

Comedian MITCH BENN envisions what people would've sung as they queued to see Queen Elizabeth lying in state

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From the desk of the Prime Minister…

Comedian MITCH BENN on what advice Boris Johnson may have penned to Liz Truss as he left Downing Street

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The so long Boris songbook

The songs perfect for the exit of Boris Johnson, as presented by comedian MITCH BENN

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Initial thoughts on what the dim 0.3% see in L.T.

If Liz Truss is investigating policies beginning with the letters "LT" - which ones should we be on the lookout for?

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We’ve suffered Rees-Mogg, why not bring back smog?

The Tory government have relaxed standard after standard. Why stop there? Here are some more they can lower...

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Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak: Two irrational irritants debating the irrelevant

It's highly illogical, but Truss and Sunak appear to actually agree on something: Star Trek over Star Wars

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Liz and Rishi: Two jokes that aren’t funny anymore

The pair just make it up as they go along. So, come and join Liz and Rishi at their one-stop improv shop

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Now, how can we keep the football feel-good factor?

The country is somewhat starved of feel-good stories. So, here are some ways the government could cheer everyone up

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Four little words that spell the end of satire

The words 'Prime minister Liz Truss' finally spell doom for the satire industry

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How Johnson could ride out his non-resignation

Comedian MITCH BENN on what Boris Johnson could yet do to avoid leaving Downing Street

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What will float our boats in a Pride of Brexit parade?

Comedian MITCH BENN has a few ideas on what you might see on the streets on London during a Pride in Brexit parade

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A government addicted to crises of its own making

Here are some more crises the government could engineer to deflect the blame from Brexit

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Brexit IS working – just ask Boris Johnson!

Don’t believe the hype or indeed the evidence. Leaving the EU has accomplished exactly what it set out to do... keeping the Tories in power

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No overhaul control: Truss plan borders on insanity

Solving impossible problems? It’s all in a day’s work for Liz Truss says comedian MITCH BENN

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It’s time for Johnson to press the new career button

Comedian MITCH BENN offers some suggestions for Boris Johnson’s next job

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The Partygate playlist… The sinner takes it all

Comedian MITCH BENN on the songs that could've accompanied the ‘Abba-themed’ party at Downing Street

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Scapegoats and sacrificial lambs in the Johnson zoo

As Sue Gray reports, speculation is mounting as to which and how many necks Boris Johnson will offer to the block in order to save his own

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Trying to paint Mr Rules as a law-breaker is criminal

Comedian MITCH BENN on the government’s rather telling blank-eyed incomprehension of Keir Starmer’s pledge to resign should he be given a fixed penalty notice

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Critics saying boo-hoo over new Who don’t have a clue

Comedian MITCH BENN on the inevitable reaction to Ncuti Gatwa being cast as the next Doctor from the inevitable quarters

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War and witch hunts: the Tory plan to stay in power

Here's five ways the Tories could stitch up the next election

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Priti, why Rwanda when Mordor and Mars are free?

It makes more sense for the home secretary to send incoming asylum seekers to be “processed in” Mars than Rwanda

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