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Michaela Makusha

Women’s voices in a world that still questions them

According to the worrying results of a recent survey, six in 10 Gen Z men believe women’s equality has ‘gone too far’.

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The hypocrisy of Kemi Badenoch

For Badenoch and other politicians on the right, feminism is now a completed project

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Robert Jenrick: exploiting the victims of sexual abuse for his own political gain

He did nothing about it when he was a government minister, but now, Jenrick is promoting himself as a campaigner for justice. He’s nothing more than a race-baiting grifter

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Farewell to 2024: a stupid, awful year

Could 2025 possibly be any worse?

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Farage, Trump and abortion

The culture war argument over abortion helped Trump get back into the White House. Now Farage wants to use the same trick – can it work over here?

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The lesson Gisèle Pelicot teaches us all

The trial that shocked France and the world is a pivot point for relations between the sexes. Men everywhere must learn from the verdict

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Why young men vote for the hard right

The political divide between young men and women is wide and growing. What’s pushing them apart?

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