Michael White
05 December 2017
Royal joy can’t stop clock as Brexit impact papers are released

11 September 2017
‘Don’t leave us alone with the French’, the Germans say… But we did. Brexit means Britain is no longer at the top table
Read the full article08 August 2017
Tory togetherness and why betrayal is the most poisonous word in politics

13 July 2017
Keeping Jeremy Corbyn holy: The problems facing Labour’s blessed leader

30 June 2017
Cheerful or fearful: How have the Brexit negotiations been for you?

16 June 2017
An epic study of GE2017: The like of which we’ve never seen before

12 May 2017
What power plays in UK and Europe tell us about the new political order

05 May 2017
The nasty party is back as both sides play a dangerous game with Brexit

28 April 2017
The choice is simple – vote down extremists, dreamers and chancers

06 April 2017
What the re-emergence of Tory politicians past tells us about politics future in Brexit Britain