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Mic Wright

Isabel Oakeshott’s dirty mind

Now stoking rumours about Keir Starmer’s private life, the right wing activist uses her journalistic platform to push her political agenda

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‘A chump’s idea of a clever man’

Brexit lies in tatters but one of its key architects, Michael Gove, has been made editor of the Spectator. Here’s why he’s Paul Marshall’s perfect pick

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Tommy, Boris and Jeremy.. the dangers of indulging in mononyms

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MIC WRIGHT: Efforts to introduce transparency in online political advertising are falling short

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Intolerance of the poppy police

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Hooked on the art of addiction

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Why threats of violence should not silence calls for a People’s Vote

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Corbyn’s anger shows passion – it’s a refreshing change

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Boris Johnson and the awful art of the empty political apology

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The real reason behind the fall of the BBC’s Today show

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Tommy, Boris and Jeremy.. the dangers of indulging in mononyms

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Don’t boycott Spotify to get at Infowars and Alex Jones. Just ignore him

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